Michael K. Simpson’s Clients:

About Michael K. Simpson

Michael is the Global Director of FranklinCovey – Columbia University’s Executive Coaching Certification Program. He has provided coaches training and certified executive coaches from the following countries: Canada, United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, West Indies, Aruba, Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Egypt, India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines. He also certifies internal leaders and managers in a work session called, The Leader & Manager as Coach.
Michael Simpson is an executive coach that has coached some of the world’s top CEO’s, presidents, general managers, and executives from companies such as: Marriott, Lilly, Coca-Cola, Elanco, Frito Lay, Atlanta Falcons, Whirlpool, John Deere, Sysco, Wells Fargo, HSBC Bank, Huntington Bank, NCH Corporation, Partsmaster, Retail Products Group, FL Power & Light, Southern CA Edison, Vivint, Direct Pointe, Clear Center, and Masco Corporation.
Mr. Simpson is the author of seven books in the areas of Leadership and Executive Coaching

The New Book
Powerful Leadership Through Coaching: Principles, Practices, and Tools for Managers at Every Level
Distinguished Author
Michael regularly gives keynote speeches to large and small audiences worldwide. He is the co-author of 7 books in the areas of: executive coaching, leadership and management development, and organizational behavior. Purchase his books today! (Click on the link next to the book cover image below to link directly to the Amazon listing.)
Ours Yours Today!
Books Published:
- Unlocking Potential
Unlocking Potential: 7 Coaching Skills That Transform Individuals, Teams, & Organizations - Your Seeds of Greatness quote book series
Your Seeds of Greatness: The World’s Greatest Individual Leadership Quote Book
Your Seeds of Greatness: The World’s Greatest Team Leadership Quote Book
Your Seeds of Greatness: The World’s Greatest Organizational Leadership Quote Book
Your Seeds of Greatness: The World’s Greatest Societal Leadership Quote - Ready, Aim, Excel
Ready, Aim, Excel: The Expert Insights Weekly Guide to Personal and Professional Leadership With Dr. Marshall Goldsmith and Dr. Kenneth Blanchard - Talent Unleashed
Talent Unleashed: What it Takes to Transform People, Teams, and Organizations
With Roger Merrill, Todd Davis, and Shawn Moon
Prestigious Client List
Marriott Corporation, Ritz Carlton, Coca-Cola, Nike, Lilly, Elanco, Frito-Lay, John Deere, TE Connectivity, Microsoft, IBM, Procter & Gamble, PwC, Ernst & Young, Grant Thornton, HSBC Bank, Huntington Bank, Nokia, Verizon, Maxis, Mobily, EDS-Hewlett Packard, ACS-Xerox, Juniper Networks, New York Life Insurance, Farmers Insurance, 21st Century Insurance, Kroger’s, QFC, Dillons, Associated Foods, A&P, Memorial Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Loma Linda Hospital, HCA Aiken Medical Center, Dow Chemical, ExxonMobil, Petronas, Shell, BP, Whirlpool, Cummins Engine, Goodyear, Honeywell, Lockheed-Martin, NCH Corporation, Partsmaster, Retail Products Group, Kuwait Finance, Iskandar, Prudential Takaful, IC Company’s, FL Power & Light, Bonneville Power, Westinghouse, GA Technology Authority, GA Dept., of Human Resources, Los Alamos Nat’l Laboratory, U.S. EPA, U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers, U.S. Dept. of Defense, U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Contact Me
Get in touch with Michael using the following information:
Michael K. Simpson
CEO/Managing Director
Simpson Executive Coaching
PO Box 971747
Orem, UT 84097
Tel #: (435) 602-9031
Email: msimpson@ebacs.net