
“Michael Simpson’s Unlocking Potential is a skillfully written treatise about how you can be a great coach. Follow Michael’s advice in this great book. He’ll give you guidance on holding coaching conversations with individuals, teams, and organizations, and offers great skills in listening carefully, asking powerful questions, and fully committing to helping them succeed.”
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
NY Times Bestselling Author: Triggers, MOJO, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
“In Unlocking Potential, Michael Simpson does more than just deliver a primer on impactful and effective inquiry-based coaching based on trust. He offers a comprehensive process for the modern leader with tested approaches for strategic planning, execution excellence, performance management, and talent development based on experience working with hundreds of leaders. I am grateful to say that I have benefited from Michael’s coaching over the years with tremendous impact on both my personal and professional lives.”
Alex M. Azar II
Former US Secretary of Health and Human Services; Former President, Lilly USA
“This is the best coaching text book for general management! Managing people is situational as “one suit does not fit all people.” This book puts a clear coaching process in place to bring clarity to the complexities of management and how to best influence high performing teams.”
Walter Levy
CEO / President of NCH Corporation
“Michael Simpson has done it! He has written the definitive guide on coaching for today’s leaders. Unlock Potential is clearly the right coaching book at the right time for any manager or leader. Michael simultaneously offers deep insights along with very practical coaching tools for leaders to develop the right mindset and skills to help engage their teams and transform their organization. Above all, this book will help you find your personal greatness — and then will lead you to help others find theirs. This is what Michael was meant to do. I give this wonderful book my highest possible recommendation.”
Stephen M. R. Covey
NY Times #1 Bestselling Author: The Speed of Trust, and co-author of Smart Trust
“Michael Simpson´s book Unlocking Potential, is packed with interesting insights, valuable suggestions, and enlightening examples for today’s most compelling business leaders as a coach to deal with complex workplace challenges. Michael offers a collection of fresh, practical, and transformational coaching models and powerful coaching questions for anyone to effectively coach others in our Knowledge Age society.”
Guðrún Högnadóttir
Managing Partner/Executive Coach, Iceland Nordic Approach
“Whether you like it or not – if you are a leader, you ARE a coach. Those you lead are absorbing and being influenced by your weaknesses as well as your strengths. This solid, principled and practical book will help you do it intentionally, skillfully, and transformatively. Make Unlocking Potential your most treasured management guide.”
Joseph Grenny
Co-author of NY Times Bestselling books: Crucial Conversations, Crucial Confrontations, Change Anything, and Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change.
“He helped me gain clarity and perspectives both personally and professionally that was invaluable.”
Mike Smith
Former Head Football Coach, Atlanta Falcons National Football League
“My coaching relationship with Michael was truly transformational.”
Thomas DiMitroff
Former General Manager, Atlanta Falcons National Football League
“We have utilized Michael as a consultant and coach for a number of years. His book, Unlocking Potential, serves as an insightful and practical guide for coaching at all levels of any organization. He clearly articulates what it means to be a great coach. Thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing insights and experiences in this book. I recommend it to anyone who is trying to help their teams and organizations reach their potential.”
Matt Oldroyd
CEO, Womack Machine Supply
“Our 2011 market share changed 25% nationally and 2011 profitability was up 19%… the new intense focus and accountability of our people just cannot be measured in dollars.”
Lowell J. Vick
Former Director of U.S. Field Sales Integration, Whirlpool Corporation, Lansing, MI
“When I read Michael’s coaching book Unlocking Potential, I immediately saw very specific areas where I could take my leadership capabilities to the next level. Thank you…for your coaching insights, tools, and powerful coaching questions that will help me to more fully engage my people’s potential.”
Gordon Hwang
Former Vice President and General Counsel, TE Connectivity, Shanghai, China
“It’s easy for me to endorse Unlocking Potential, as it resonates so strongly with my experiences as a leadership coach and consultant. It is troubling to observe that many capable people are performing well below their ability because they either are afraid to engage in open dialogue with their leaders or their leaders are unwilling to have enabling conversations with them about discovering and developing their potential. Michael beautifully illustrates powerful principles and practices with real-life examples. Most importantly, he emphasizes how important it is to address the whole person, rather than simply focusing on one aspect of a person’s life. Any leader who reads Michael’s book will clearly understand the potential power they have to significantly enable others’ effectiveness as well as to unlock and increase their own personal potential.” ”
Walter L. Ross, Ph.D.
Former MSOD Program Director, Pepperdine University’s Masters of Science of Organizational Development
“We were very delighted with our spa results… For the first time in over 6 years, the spa exceeded budget (very difficult in our Marriott world!), we exceeded our Wildly Important Goal for spa treatment increase and… The owner reps were actually smiling at me this last visit and they are so happy.”
Dawn Ferraro
Spa Director, Marriott Hotel Desert Springs Resort, Palm Desert, CA
More Testimonials
“Unlocking Potential” Coaching Book Testimonies
“Michael Simpson’s Unlocking Potential is a skillfully written treatise about how you can be a great coach. Follow Michael’s advice in this great book. He’ll give you guidance on holding coaching conversations with individuals, teams, and organizations, and offers great skills in listening carefully, asking powerful questions, and fully committing to helping them succeed.”
~ Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, NY Times bestselling books: Triggers, MOJO, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
“Michael Simpson has done it! He has written the definitive guide on coaching for today’s leaders. Unlock Potential is clearly the right coaching book at the right time for any manager or leader. Michael simultaneously offers deep insights along with very practical coaching tools for leaders to develop the right mindset and skills to help engage their teams and transform their organization. Above all, this book will help you find your personal greatness—and then will lead you to help others find theirs. This is what Michael was meant to do. I give this wonderful book my highest possible recommendation. ”
~ Stephen M. R. Covey, NY Times # 1 bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and co-author of Smart Trust
“Whether you like it or not – if you are a leader, you ARE a coach. Those you lead are absorbing and being influenced by your weaknesses as well as your strengths. This solid, principled and practical book will help you do it intentionally, skillfully, and transformatively. Make Unlocking Potential your most treasured management guide.”
~ Joseph Grenny, Co-author of NY Times Bestselling books: Crucial Conversations, Change Anything, and Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change
“In Unlocking Potential, Michael Simpson does more than just deliver a primer on impactful and effective inquiry-based coaching based on trust. He offers a comprehensive process for the modern leader with tested approaches for strategic planning, execution excellence, performance management, and talent development based on experience working with hundreds of leaders. I am grateful to say that I have benefited from Michael’s coaching over the years with tremendous impact on both my personal and professional lives.”
~ Alex M. Azar II, Former U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services and Former President, Lilly USA
“This is the best coaching text book for general management! Managing people is situational as “one suit does not fit all people.” This book puts a clear coaching process in place to bring clarity to the complexities of management and how to best influence high performing teams.”
~ Walter Levy, CEO/President, NCH Corporation
“Michael Simpson´s book Unlocking Potential, is packed with interesting insights, valuable suggestions, and enlightening examples for today’s most compelling business leaders as a coach to deal with complex workplace challenges. Michael offers a collection of fresh, practical, and transformational coaching models and powerful coaching questions for anyone to effectively coach others in our Knowledge Age society.”
~ Guðrún Högnadóttir, Managing Partner/Executive Coach, Iceland Nordic Approach
“We have utilized Michael as a consultant and coach for a number of years. His book, Unlocking Potential, serves as an insightful and practical guide for coaching at all levels of any organization. He clearly articulates what it means to be a great coach. Thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing insights and experiences in this book. I recommend it to anyone who is trying to help their teams and organizations reach their potential.”
~ Matt Oldroyd, CEO at Womack Machine Supply and Former President/CEO, Partsmaster
“It’s easy for me to endorse Unlocking Potential, as it resonates so strongly with my experiences as a leadership coach and consultant. It is troubling to observe that many capable people are performing well below their ability because they either are afraid to engage in open dialogue with their leaders or their leaders are unwilling to have enabled conversations with them about discovering and developing their potential. Michael beautifully illustrates powerful principles and practices with real-life examples. Most importantly, he emphasizes how important it is to address the whole person, rather than simply focusing on one aspect of a person’s life. Any leader who reads Michael’s book will clearly understand the potential power they have to significantly enable others’ effectiveness as well as to unlock and increase their own personal potential.”
~ Walter L. Ross, Ph.D., Former MSOD Program Direction, Pepperdine University’s Masters of Science of Organizational Development
“When I read Michael’s coaching book Unlocking Potential, I immediately saw very specific areas where I could take my leadership capabilities to the next level. Thank you…for your coaching insights, tools, and powerful coaching questions that will help me to more fully engage my people’s potential.”
~ Gordon Hwang, Former Vice President and General Counsel, TE Connectivity, Shanghai, China
“Michael, a few short, but sincere, words of thanks for both your recent leadership facilitation and for the copy of your book “Unlocking Potential.” I very much appreciated the opportunity to meet with and learn from you during our time in Denmark and I greatly enjoyed reading “Unlocking Potential” on my return trip to Thailand. Yesterday, I travelled to Hong Kong for an event and brought your book with me, and am now safely back in Thailand. I can tell you that it was read again on the outward and return flights but this time highlighting, in green ink, those areas on which I plan to focus; there is a lot of green ink! So, thank you again and I wish you continued success in all your endeavors long into the future.”
~ John A. Murphy, Chief Development Officer, Pandora Corporation, Bangkok, Thailand
"Powerful Leadership Through Coaching Book Testimonies"
“A great coach helps people understand how they can grow, improve, and achieve excellence in every aspect of their life. This is how I coached my players and staff at Notre Dame. I recommend you read Michael’s great book, Powerful Leadership Through Coaching, as it will teach any leader or manager how to better motivate and improve success both professionally and personally.”
~ Lou Holtz, Former University of Notre Dame Head Football Coach, South Bend, IN
“Finally, a book that makes a clear distinction between professional coaching and managerial/leadership coaching. Michael makes it clear that great leaders and effective managers, coach their people and the organization. Unlike many who position the ‘so-called manager-as-coach’ as simply managers using coaching skills, Powerful Leadership Through Coaching is written for organizational leaders and managers by providing a practical coaching process (diagnose, design, and deliver) combined with the skills and wealth of supporting resources needed to thrive in today’s complex and competitive business environment.”
~ Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Associate Professor of Practice & Faculty Director, Columbia Coaching Programs, Department of Organization and Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, NY
“The difference between a good and a great leader is the ability to coach and develop others. This is a practical playbook packed with tons of powerful and provocative questions—a good coach’s primary tool! This is an essential coach’s companion that I will use in my coaching practice and to teach others how to be effective coaches.”
~ Natalie Painchaud, Director of Learning, Innosight Corporation, Boston, MA
“I have invested in hundreds of companies throughout China and Southeast Asia. One key skill needed with each of my investment companies is how leaders can better align, engage, and motivate people through the skill of coaching! Michael Simpson has provided me and my partners with a coaching framework and set of tools in how to ask more effective questions. This book will help to engage people on their path to greater focus, clarity, and business results.”
~ Mr. Yang Qing, CEO and President, Shang Jing, Fund of Funds Investment Group, Beijing, China
“I wish I had this coaching resource many years ago. Its genius lies in its simplicity and yet it strikes at the core of leadership, to effectively drive what every leader and manager at every level is continuously striving for—lasting behavioral change and results. This book is practical, motivating, and has some splendidly crafted tools that can literally be used ‘the next day at work.’ I would highly recommend this book to all leaders.”
~ Rajan Kaicker, Executive Chairman/Managing Director, FranklinCovey India and South Asia, Delhi, India
“Michael Simpson has written another excellent coaching guide for today’s leaders. Powerful Leadership Through Coaching teaches the skill-set required for organizations to be successful at all levels to overachieve. Similar to what is taught in coaching athletic competition, you’ll learn a powerful coaching methodology and the skills needed to finish first in business, government, or education.”
~ Peter E. Pilling, Athletic Director of Intercollegiate Athletes, Columbia University, New York City, NY
“Michael has not only written a coaching book. Michael has collated his years of client experience into a how-to guide that is more of a coaching toolbox than a book. He does not only state the coaching theory, he translates it into implementable action steps. This book walks the talk. Bravo, Michael!”
~ Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, MA, MBA, Ph.D., LH.D., New York State, Kuwait, Dubai, Bahrain, and Qatar Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Kuwait University, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait
“Michael K. Simpson wrote a masterfully brilliant leadership and coaching book. With clear vision and direction, Michael expertly ‘Diagnoses’ coaching challenges, ‘Designs’ prescriptive, easy-to-access approaches for great coaching, and ‘Delivers’ a how-to guide for personal and professional success. Informational, educational, and inspirational, Powerful Leadership Through Coaching is a coach’s playbook, written by an elite coach, and is a MUST READ for anyone aspiring to be a great leader!”
~ Bob Kulhan, Founder and CEO, Business Improv; Author of Getting to “Yes And”: The Art of Business Improv, Chicago, IL
“I could not put this book down—Michael’s book is a must read and a great playbook that simplifies coaching, teaching, and leadership. Coaching is every leaders’ responsibility to achieve extraordinary results, whether it’s with C-level leaders in an 8,000-person organization, or a manager leading eight people. This book will help every leader coach their team members to achieve to their fullest potential and help their organization exceed its goals and objectives.”
~ Walter Levy, CEO/President, NCH Corporation, Dallas, TX
“This book will change your paradigm about coaching and help you to understand the principles and practices of coaching in a very systematic, logical, and practical way to become a great coach. This is a great book for every new and seasoned leader who wants to unleash the true potential of their people through coaching.”
~ Ms. Porntip Iyimapun, Founder/CEO, Pac Rim Consulting Group, Bangkok, Thailand
“In Powerful Leadership Through Coaching, Michael has put his finger on one of the most critical elements for any leader or manager as we move into the age of the artificial intelligence. In my consulting practice, I am finding that skillful listening, asking powerful questions, and the art of developing others offers critical competencies for all great leadership and great teams in this new world of work. Michael has taken a deep dive into helping leaders develop the mindset, mastery, and skill of coaching.”
~ Dr. Tony C. Daloisio, Ph.D., Founding Partner, Charter Oak Consulting Group, Atlanta, GA
“This coaching book is a definitive and high-quality guide for any leader who aspires to be great. Powerful Leadership Through Coaching is a must-read book for leaders at all levels. Michael’s book is ideal for any and all organizations that desire to develop coaching skills for their leaders, managers, and teams. I highly recommend this amazing book!”
~ Lavleen Raheja, Chairman/CEO, FranklinCovey India and South Asia, Delhi, India
“Coaching is more than a skillset, it’s a mindset and a way of being. Michael’s book captures the essence of what it means to be a great coach and offers the skills on how to be a more effective leader. This is a must-have book for any company wanting to develop great coaching skills.”
~ David Dai, Founder and CEO, Blue Oaks Capital Group, Guangzhou, China
“Over many years of work and conversations with Michael, we have discussed how the present-day workforce cannot simply be managed but needs to be better led. True leadership must take a coaching approach, as opposed to directing, telling, or micro-managing. So, in a real sense, all of us need to become coaches. Michael’s book helps leaders focus on the need to listen more empathically, to ask better questions, to solicit the wisdom from others, rather than providing our own answers and advice. Michael’s book is terrific in helping leaders develop the right mind-set and skill-set and to become more authentic and better business partners with their people—whether at work or at home.”
~ Mr. V.S. Pandian, Chairman/CEO, Leadership Resources, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
“Everyone wants to succeed in life. A huge engagement factor and recipe for success is through coaching others. Unfortunately, very few leaders or managers choose to play. Michael’s book offers great coach offers insights and tools to help aid in the path towards success with others both personally and professionally.”
~ Sheila D. Humphrey, Product Line Manager, Strategy Execution Leader, John Deere Turf Care, Fuquay-Varina, NC
“In order to be a great leader, you need to be a great coach! By applying the principles, practices, and skills Michael outlines in his book, you can find your passion and truly contribute to something larger than yourself—and empower those you lead to do likewise!”
~ Curt Allen, CEO, Agilix and Dawn Academy Online Learning Platform, Provo, UT
“I have known Michael Simpson for 35 years. If you spend five minutes with him, you’ll sense his character and genuine belief in the goodness of people and their potential to become ‘better’ and achieve great success, peace, or happiness. If you spend 30 minutes or more with Michael, you’ll discover what is most important to you, why, and develop a detailed path forward—to overcome difficult things and to reach your highest potential. Take time to read his book. He offers powerful insights and tools that will engage any leader, manager, or coach to become better.”
~ W. Brent Mason, Executive Leadership and Talent Management Advisor, Saudi Aramco, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
“Michael beautifully illustrates powerful coaching principles and practices with real-life examples. It’s easy for me to endorse Powerful Leadership Through Coaching, as it resonates so strongly with my experiences as a leadership coach and consultant. Coaching is about creating a safe environment and open dialogue to help people discover and develop their potential. Any leader who reads Michael’s book will clearly understand the power they have to significantly enable others’ whole-person effectiveness, as well as how to unlock and increase their own personal potential.”
~ Dr. Walter L. Ross, Former MSOD Program Direction, Pepperdine University’s Masters of Science of Organizational Development, Irvine, CA
“Michael Simpson masterfully illustrates the art of executive coaching as a core leadership skill. Leaders at all levels will find this book engaging, accessible, and practical — a game-changer in their development as a leader!”
~ Alan Hyatt, Director, Workforce Transformation, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Salt Lake City, UT
“If you want to unleash the talent of your team, then becoming a great coach has become less complicated with Michael Simpson’s book in hand.”
~ Mr. Satyo Fatwan, Managing Partner, Dunamis Organizational Consulting Services, Jakarta, Indonesia
“Michael makes a compelling case for the transformative power of coaching. His passion for developing leaders shines through in this practical guide that will empower managers and leaders at any organizational level to engage and develop their people. This is a must read for anyone who truly wants to make a positive impact at work and in life.”
~ Dr. Mark Horney, Assistant Dean, Career Management Center, Columbia Business School, New York City, NY
Coaching Client Testimonies
“Throughout my career as an NFL coach for the Atlanta Falcons, I have come to understand the importance of surrounding myself with great coaches. Michael Simpson has been one of those great coaches for me. He was hired by Arthur Blank and The Atlanta Falcons Organization to be my personal, one on one executive coach. He helped me gain clarity and perspectives both personally and professionally that was invaluable. Michael’s coaching had a very positive effect on me in my life. I would highly recommend him as an executive coach to any leader or organization that needs to improve their leaders’ performance.”
~ Mike Smith, Former Head Football Coach, Atlanta Falcons National Football League (NFL), Atlanta, GA
“Michael Simpson was hired by the Atlanta Falcon’s organization to be my personal coach. Each month, we held one-on-one coaching sessions that were very practical and useful. As one might imagine, when the door closes – we could talk confidentially about the ongoing daily pressures of the NFL life, work-life balance, and other key leadership challenges and opportunities. I appreciate his empathy and his business acumen. I felt that many of the leadership frameworks and tools he offered me gave me the ability to improve both professionally and personally. My coaching relationship with Michael was truly transformational.”
~ Thomas DiMitroff, Former General Manager, Atlanta Falcons National Football League (NFL), Atlanta, GA
“Michael, thank you for your excellent executive coaching with me, my President, and my COO. You’ve been a master in both facilitating executive development sessions with my leadership team, and your ongoing follow-up, one-on-one coaching during my transition to Chairman of the Board.”
~ Russell Weathers, CEO, Agriculture Future of America, Kansas City, MO
“Michael, thank you for assisting me with a successful transition to my new role as President of AFA. Your coaching and mentoring helped to clearly define, validate, and align our leadership teams’ mission, values, vision, strategic narrative, and most important goals. You were very helpful as I leveraged my strengths and talents to better lead and engage others.”
~ Mark Stewart, President, Agriculture Future of America, Kansas City, MO
“Thanks for your great executive coaching and support. It was invaluable during my new role as COO of AFA. It was nice to have a confidential expert to offer coaching and outside perspective to help me navigate my career path, my contribution, and future success.”
~ Nancy Barcus, COO, Agriculture Future of America, Kansas City, MO
“I found the Executive Coaching Certification Program from Michael Simpson’s very practical and useful. He is a master coach! I realized that there is more to knowing and learning beyond our own training curriculum—and coaching is how to help our clients systematically internalize and practice our material through an ongoing coaching process. I also realized that the skills of Habit 5 (empathy) can enhance the coaching process. All of our facilitators in Malaysia will also be getting the Coaches Training from Michael and he will be guiding us get through the Executive Coaching Certification process.”
~ V.S. Pandian, Managing Partner, Leadership Resources, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
“The coaching certification was a great experience. I liked it a lot! Especially the contribution by Michael Simpson from FranklinCovey and Dr. Terry Maltbia from Columbia University. When I joined the coach’s certification, I was already doing coaching, but this training added a lot and help change my perspective and increase my skills. I became very enthusiastic about the coaching approach and feel my FranklinCovey – Columbia University certification will enhance my previous experience certifications from Coach-U and from ICF. In the Netherlands, we will definitely add executive coaching to all our client work as an add-on to our training services.”
~ Jolanda Prijs, Managing Director, FranklinCovey, Netherlands
“Michael partnered with Frito Lay’s Northeast Region and helped us go from #6 in the United States in small bag chip sales growth (single serve flex) to #1 within 5 ½ months. He was also instrumental in helping to coach all of our teams in the 4 Disciplines of Execution process to reduce our safety and quality record over the following 6 months by 50%. I appreciate his professional skills in facilitation and his coaching of all my leaders and teams to help us achieve this great success.”
~ Neal Pryor, Former SVP, Frito Lay Corporation, Boston, MA
“As an executive coach, Michael is a tremendous accountability partner. He has pushed me to focus my efforts on those things which matter most in my professional and personal life. Overall, I believe he has helped me become a better leader and a better husband and father.”
~ Matt Oldroyd, CEO at Womack Machine Supply and Former CEO/President, Partsmaster Corporation, Dallas, TX
“Michael drove team goal alignment for our John Deere Global Pricing Team worldwide and helped us adopt the 4 Disciplines of Execution to gain great focus, clarity, and team accountability. His expertise, excitement, and knowledge of this strategy execution process and as an execution coaching was empowering to all of us. He catered and customized the content into our business terms effectively, which allowed us to understand the process according to our specific business needs and challenges. As we deploy this globally, with Michael serving as our external coach throughout our journey, we are already seeing tremendous success and results.”
Michael has personally coached me and my entire leadership team to build a high trust culture in the midst of significant organizational change and transformation. He has provided one-on-one and team coaching with a framework and tools to help us hold difficult, high trust conversations each week. His ongoing follow up was especially critical for my entire team to be held accountable for practicing conversations, with peer-to-peer internal coaching, and to received feedback and accountability. Michael, thank you for your great coaching and support.
~ General Dorothy Hogg, U.S. Air Force Medical Services, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
Our factory has had game-changing results over the past two years. Thank-you Michael for your ongoing facilitation of 4 Disciplines of Execution and your ongoing monthly coaching with me, my executive team, and every team across our plant. I appreciate your ‘real world examples and experience’ from your vast experiences across John Deere. You know our business, use our language, and were able to encourage all of us along this journey to improve our discipline to execution and stay on track. Your ongoing coaching has helped us to have one of the most profitable years in our company’s history, during a difficult time of 20% layoffs among our workforce, in a low trust union environment.
~ Steve Johnson, General Manager, John Deere Horicon Factory, Horicon, WI.
Thank you for the terrific job you did empowering, coaching, and certifying all of my national sales leaders, teams, and internal coaches across Canada. We are achieving unprecedented results based on your efforts to help us roll-out our countrywide sales execution process. Thanks to you and Carsten for your partnership and support.
~ Stephen Thompson, General Manager & President, Baxter, Canada
Thanks for the work you and Sheri did in laying the groundwork on our goal execution process with my leadership team. You really hit it out of the park! Thanks for coaching me and each of my leaders to make sure this was scalable and owned by all business units. Nice work Michael!
~ David Holyoak, Global Chief Technology Officer, Grant Thornton, Chicago, IL
Michael is a very impressive leadership trainer and executive coach that provided me with excellent real-life examples to connect his material in a practical way. Thanks for your personal one-on-one coaching and support with me on my leadership journey.
~ Raja Asfarizah, Regional Executive, ExxonMobil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Michael, I cannot thank you enough. You’ve helped me think and see and do things from a different perspective both professionally and personally. You are an amazing executive coach and I plan on utilizing your coaching tools and resources as I transition to my new role as President in this next chapter of my life.
~ David Hankins, Former SVP U.S. Sales, Schneider Electric, Dallas, TX
Michael, I have enjoyed our one-on-one monthly, virtual coaching session over the past year. They have been really good. Thanks for listening, asking very good questions, and offering practical insights and suggestions to me on my job and career development plan. Also, thanks for always sending your practical tools that I can use with my team.
~ Fanny Yeung, General Manager, Sabre Corporation, Hong Kong, China.
Thank you for your recent leadership development and coaching with our leadership team. I felt we learned a lot of valuable new tools and techniques, which helped us communicate and build trust at a deeper level. It was important for us all to be together and know that we will be practicing what we have learned with each other going forward. This process will help us all to be more open, transparent, and hold high trust conversations, when we inevitably experience conflict among our team and business partners. Thanks once again.
~ Claire Robertson, Human Resources, Global Change Management, PepsiCo, Purchase, NY.
Michael was very strong in leading me in our trust and one-on-one executive coaching sessions. He helped me see my data clearly and how to effectively work across cultures and key stakeholders with our Thailand partners. I wish I would have had this coaching and use these tools earlier in my career.
~ Thomas Touborg, V.P. Supply Chain, Pandora Corporation, Copenhagen, Denmark
Michael found a way to take a volatile atmosphere and get us focused on having a framework and tools for better communication and building trust. He connected with and created a way for our leadership team to feel safe, which enabled people to be open and honest. Thanks for your ongoing coaching with our leadership team.
~ Lee Anthony Gray, Vice President Operations, Pandora Corporation, Bangkok, Thailand
Thank you, Michael, for your great coaching. I never felt like our monthly coaching sessions were simply a canned, structured conversation, or check the box activity. In each session, you listened very well and helped me become a better leader by focusing on my unique issues in a customized way. I felt that you cared about me personally and offered some practical tools that have been so helpful for me and my team.
~ Salim Arkuch, Vice President, Sabre Corporation, Hospitality Solutions Latin America, Mexico and Brazil
I hired Michael as my executive coach to help me engage better with our executive leaders and build trust with important stakeholders in a highly political and rapidly changing environment. His coaching helped me and my entire team get clear on our most important goals and improve our visibility and accountability on what it meant to win with key results and metrics.
~ Matt Ferrin, Chief Information Service Officer (CISO), Epsilon, Dallas, TX
Michael met with and coached our senior team over a number of working sessions where he helped us define a clear vision with aligned strategy and goals. This was helpful for each of our leaders and teams to discuss and debate among various plans and initiatives so could we could all develop greater clarity, focus, and alignment.
~ Wildemar Rodriguez, National Director, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, ICE, Washington, DC
Michael, thanks for helping to influence my life in our monthly virtual coaching sessions. Your coaching book Unlocking Potential gave me an amazing framework and series of leadership questions to help me improve my IT business unit and to use will all my direct reports. I hope you are able to change many more lives for good, like you did with mine in the future.
~ Cezary Zomkowski, Director IT Travel Solutions, Sabre Corporation, Krakow, Poland
I have been around a lot of consultants and trainers throughout my career. Michael is truly a master! During our European TE Leadership Way sessions in Leuven, Belgium this year, he taught our leadership session on building trust, strategy, flawless execution, and unleashing talent to a very diverse European audience. Michael was able to connect with the audience as if he were a TE employee by using his knowledge of our business that added instant credibility. He fully engaged our 85 + European leaders for the 3 full days. He also offered valuable one-one coaching to many of our senior leaders. Each person felt encouraged to share ideas, challenge each other view points, and share their unique insights in a safe environment.
~ Peter McCue, VP Human Resources, TE Connectivity, Transportation Solutions, Brussels, Belgium
“Michael helped us design clear team goal alignment for our entire John Deere Global Pricing Team worldwide and helped us adopt the 4 Disciplines of Execution to gain great focus and team accountability. His expertise, excitement, and knowledge of this strategy execution process and as an execution coaching was empowering to all of us. He catered and customized the content into our business terms effectively, which allowed us to understand the process according to our specific business needs and challenges. As we’ve deployed our goals globally, with Michael serving as our external coach throughout our journey, we are already seeing tremendous success and results.”
~ Sue Mann, Global Pricing Group, Project Manager, Internal Master Coach, Six Sigma Leader, John Deere, Olathe, KS
“Michael Simpson walked us through an execution process to help us change to the right goals and behaviors. His monthly coaching helped our teams achieve great success.”
~ Robert J. Schebler, Global Marketing & Sales Service, John Deere, Global Agriculture and Turf Pricing, Olathe, KS
“The coaching techniques and tools Michael offered in his 2-Day coaching certification program are very practical to help me coach in a logical manner with a good framework and questions. I am looking forward to practicing these coaching skills and tools back in the workplace with our clients.”
~ Lirio Mapa, Partner, Center for Leadership and Change, Manila, Philippines
“Michael is an excellent teacher and did a great job modeling the coaching tools and methods and in helping us understand what it takes to be a great coach.”
~ Mennen Aracid, Director of Sales, FranklinCovey, Manila, Philippines
“The coaching materials were superb! Michael knows what he is talking about. He is truly a coaching expert. He was interactive and related well with our group with his fun sense of humor.”
~ Elaine Rodriguez, VP Operations, Center for Leadership and Change, Manila Philippines
“I am so grateful to add so many tools to my coaching toolbox. These will help be to be a great coach. I am motivated to begin coaching others because I now have very practical and applicable tools to be effective.”
~ Eleanor Landy, CEO and Executive Coach, Manila, Philippines
“It’s a great opportunity to be a part of this strategy execution work session. Thanks Michael – you’re a great coach!”
~ Siti Ayunie Karsin, EMIT, ExxonMobil, Malaysia
“Thank you very much for your facilitation and coaching on the Great Leaders, Great Teams, and Great Results program. It was a wonderful learning experience for me and I am sure that many of the leadership mind-sets, skill-sets, and tool-sets learned from this workshop will make me a better leader and coach in the future.”
~ Chu Jenn Weng, President and CEO, Vitrox Corporation Berhad, Penang, Malaysia
“Michael did a fantastic job facilitating and coaching us at Marriott to fully implement and exploit the 4 Discipline of Execution approach that helps us focus on our most important strategic goals and objectives. He has made a measurable improvement on our organization. He is terrific coach, and has helped build a very strong network of internal coaches at Marriott.”
~ Daryl Rhead, Director of Finance and Accounting, JW Marriott Camelback Inn, Scottsdale, AZ
Thanks for your ongoing 4DX monthly coaching this past year and during our U.S. regional leadership team report-outs. We are ‘driving best in the hotel industry’ customer satisfaction scores and are helping leaders and teams overcome challenges and barriers across properties nationwide.
~ Pete Koerner, Internal Master Coach, Kimpton Hotels, San Francisco, CA
“Michael Simpson was a great partner to me during our leadership kick-off in Shanghai, China. He is an excellent coach and supported me to have a very rich and valuable leadership experience.”
~ Jane Kennedy, Former VP of HR, TE Connectivity, Shanghai, China
“Thanks again for your incredible ability to teach and coach my global sales leaders to get strategic clarity and alignment during your strategic planning work session. Our sales leaders now have great clarity over the next 2-5 years. My team and I always learn so much from your leadership and coaching sessions.”
~ Rajneesh Chopra, VP of North America Sales, Amway Corporation, Ada, MI
“Amway Brazil had one of the most dramatic business turn-around in the company’s history from a -23% decline to +13% growth during 2013-2014. Thanks, in large measure to our kick-off of the 4 Disciplines of Execution and ongoing coaching from Michael Simpson. Our Brazilian leaders and teams have gained greater strategic clarity and improved accountability to better execute on our key business goals and results. We appreciate our partnership with Michael. Thank you!”
~ Odmar Almeida Filho, President, Amway Corporation, Sao Paulo, Brazil
“We at Whirlpool are excited about what Michael introduced with the 4 Disciplines of Execution and how he has certified a group of internal coaches and will continue to be our external coach. It is amazing what the coaching and accountability process has done to improve the success and the culture with our organization. We are currently using it for our entire U.S. Field Sales channels. It is basically enabling behavior modification to drive alignment to and attainment of a set of common sales goals, objectives, and metrics across our organization. The leadership program has given our sales teams a renewed accountability for strategic goal attainment to their leaders as well as to peers. It heightens employee engagement and allows team leaders to provide “immediate” Coaching to employees in many developmental areas that are exposed as a result of the weekly process (before performance issues crop up). This in addition to the goal prioritization and time management skills we have all improved upon as a result of this process. Our ROI was beyond the initial financial investment in only the first several months. In fact – for one channel using this execution process – our 2011 market share changed 25% nationally and 2011 profitability was up 19% largely due to driving clear strategic goals week to week. Plus, the new intense focus and accountability of our people just cannot be measured in dollars. This program has become a key driver of our overall success and especially in handling our week to week non-productive “Clear the Path” issues that are brought up on the weekly Coaching calls. This timely notice of issues helps us minimize barriers, issues, and challenges and in turn creates more selling time for Field Sales Groups. A key to our early success was our quick and successful launch that was supported by Michael Simpson as our senior execution consultant. Thank-you Michael for keeping us on track in rolling out the program and in establishing accountability and coaching with all sales leadership and in turn our sales staff.”
~ Lowell J. Vick, Former Director of U.S. Field Sales Integration, Master Internal Coach, Whirlpool Corporation, Lansing, MI
Keynote Speech Testimonies
“Michael, thank you for your excellent keynote presentation to all of our Amway Diamond distributors in Maui, Hawaii. Your important topic on building trust and credibility with teams and new customers was timely. Thanks for your partnership over the years. Also, I enjoyed our inspiring coaching session while floating on the waves in the Pacific Ocean between meetings – amazing experience!
~ Tanios Viviani, Former President, Amway Corporation, Ada, MI
“Greetings Michael! Thank you for your great keynote presentation on trust to all our diamond leaders in Maui, Hawaii. Your delivery and sincere connection with all our Amway Diamond Executives was outstanding. It was truly great meeting up with you at dinner and also day after in our business meetings. Anytime you are in Virginia or Mumbai – do kindly look us up. Please keep in touch.”
~ Kanti and Hemi Gala, Top Diamond Global Amway Distributors, United States and India
“Michael worked with our senior leaders to define for our business the most important strategic goals and priorities. We were able to get to our wildly important goals in record time. He was also able to facilitate the next level of managers and teams to gain buy-in and full engagement. The level of commitment he was able to generate was tremendous. On behalf of the affiliate, thank you for providing us with a foundation as we build a high- performance team.”
~ Lydia Ayora, Country Manager, Amway Corporation, London, Ontario, Canada
“Michael is a very knowledgeable and engaging speaker who delivers the material clearly. Thanks for enabling our leaders to learn and apply the content to build success with their own teams and across the organization.”
~ Joanne Needham, Internal Master Coach, Amway Corporation, London, Ontario, Canada
“This was a very practical session. Michael is a great facilitator and teacher. He is able to explain 4DX as well as answer any question posed because he is thoroughly versed and experienced in the materials. He is pleasant and sets that stage for a great learning environment.”
~ Joan Julian, Marketing Leader, Amway Corporation, London, Ontario, Canada
“Michael was able to not only inspire us in our executive team but he has a very good balance between business experience and a kind spirit. He enthusiastically modeled everything he was teaching us. We are so grateful that he came all the way from the US to work with our executive team here in India. I will be forever grateful for his teachings – this was the best leadership workshop I have ever attended. Our best gift to him is for us to practice all of these great leadership principles and tools that he gave us.”
~ Muthu Kumar Thanu, Chief Human Resources Officer, Tafe Corp., Chennai, India
“Michael is a real professional and knowledgeable consultant.”
~ Dave Lucas, VP Performance Improvement, One America, Indianapolis, IN
“Michael is a great speaker and offered great content and awesome exercises on building trust and useful tools for becoming a better leader. It was simply amazing! I enjoyed his stories and examples on how to build trust in business and in life.”
~ Mary Coons, Director Learning and Development, Paradies Lagardere, Atlanta, GA
Michael, your presentation today was “The Best Ever” in the 7 years that I’ve been attending the World Business Executive Coaching Summits (WBECS) sessions! I’m a multi-certified coach (for over 15 years) and coach trainer. Thank you!
~ Kristin Tomczak, President, Miracom Partners International, Walnut Creek, CA
“By far, the best leadership seminar I’ve attended.”
~ Palo Alto Medical Foundation Participant, Palo Alto, CA
“Michael, my leadership team is on fire after your recent leadership presentation. Thanks again for your great work!”
~ Jay C. Davison, President, Capital Program Management, Inc. (CPM) Sacramento, CA
“Michael lives and breathes these principles. Not too much jargon or business fads. His material has a timeless quality.”
~ Brookfield Homes Participant, Irvine, CA
“Michael models excellence in his leadership presentation.”
~ San Francisco Giants Participant, San Francisco, CA
“His presentation was thought-provoking, relevant, engaging, fun, and interactive. The best I’ve been to.”
~ Georgia Technology Authority Participant, Atlanta, GA
“Michael was fabulous. His personal approach is highly effective in engaging the audience.”
~ American Express Participant, Jacksonville, FL
“Michael is an incredible leader. His spirit shines through.”
~ Old Lahaina Luau Participant, Oahu, HI
“Michael is super! What does he have for breakfast?”
~ California Dept. of Food & Agriculture Participant, Sacramento, CA
“Michael is a phenomenal presenter. This was really engaging. It opened my mind to the leadership opportunities I have and how significantly I can impact my own life and my team. It inspires you to be the leader you should be.”
~ Darden Restaurants Participant, Orlando, FL
“Michael is a great speaker and engaged everyone to get the most from the program. Very good material, very interactive, sharing environment. Excellent!”
~ Darden Restaurants Participant, Orlando, FL
“Michael was a fantastic presenter. His stories and examples were relevant and really a benefit to the content. It was an honor and privilege to meet him. Thanks for an excellent program and all the book references throughout the class.”
~ Darden Restaurants Participant, Orlando, FL
“Michael was very informative and ran great section. Content was very clear, concise, and applicable. Great tools to use personally and professionally.”
~ New York Life Insurance Participant, Dallas, TX
“Michael did a good job adjusting the content to meet our objectives. He was engaging. Well prepared, excellent presentation skills, and helped us stay on tasks.”
~ NCH Corporation Participant, Dallas, TX
“Extremely knowledgeable, energetic and flexible. Michael worked hard to adapt to our needs but we never felt it and he made it seem as if our requirements were exactly what he wanted to be doing. Super attitude. I believe he lives what he is teaching.”
~ NCH Corporation Participant, Dallas, TX
“The material, presenter, and team engagement were very high. The steps were simple to follow and progress was boiled down to easy to digest bites. It’s a process that will lead us to better focus and accountability.”
~ Frito Lay Participant, Boston, MA
“Michael offered us a very practical disciplined approach to achieve greatness! This has the potential to fundamentally change our culture of execution in a business/industry that is competitive and where it is critically important.”
~ Frito Lay Participant, Boston, MA
“The leadership program exceeded my expectations on the following five points: 1. Quality of presenter (Michael). 2. Organization of the agenda. 3. Pre-work/course materials. 4. Overall team engagement. 5. Applicability and relevance to achieve our key strategic goals/imperatives.”
~ Frito Lay Participant, Boston, MA
“Great session. Michael was very interactive and presented the material in an entertaining and informative manner.”
~ Frito Lay Participant, Boston, MA
“Very energetic. Michael worked well with our group. Anytime that you can bring a team together to resolve issues and bring total buy in is excellent. Execution is critically important.”
~ General Moly Corporation Participant, Tucson, AZ
“Material was great. Michael was very clear and knowledgeable. This process aids you greatly as an organization and team to focus on a common goal.”
~ Cummins Engine Participant, Evansville, IN
“Excellent delivery. Excellent materials. Once again, my saw is sharpened and I’m ready to go get better results than ever before. Thanks Michael!”
~ Cummins Engine Participant, Evansville, IN
“Michael’s session was very insightful and offered principle-based techniques and tools; little or no “fluff” the 360-feedback is a great tool for learning strengths and opportunities. It makes you look inward and find what is really important, with your “voice” and your unique contribution to work and life. The course gave me a chance to step back and look at myself and rethink my choices and life decisions.”
~ Cummins Engine Participant, Evansville, IN
“Very interactive and engaging. Directly applicable to my role. Practical and great tools I can use tomorrow at work and in my personal life. Instructor showed passion in the material, well experience, and infections energy. Great experience.”
~ Cummins Engine Participant, Evansville, IN
“During Michael’s speech, he kept the audience going and kept me focused with real life examples.”
~ Brian Ollinger, Seeding Division, John Deere, Moline, IL
“I really enjoyed the leadership session and the interaction with Michael and the material. He is very insightful, personable, and fun. I learned a lot and he is obviously very passionate about what he does.”
~ Kathy Fernald, Director of Seeding Division, John Deere. Moline, IL
“Michael has very good communication skills and has a mastery of the strategy execution material. His presentation was delivered very well and was able to captivate the audience very well.”
~ Daniel Rocha, Director Sprayer & Planter Plant, John Deere, Catonia, Brazil
“Michael was excellent presenter. He has a gift of being able to teach to each individual and not just the whole group. He offered great examples of his life experiences and how they apply to his concepts and teachings.”
~ British Petroleum Participant, Americas, Naperville, IL
“Well-polished and excellent presenter. Michael offered great material with lots of interaction and examples.”
~ British Petroleum Participant, Americas, Naperville, IL
“I get the sense that he truly lives the principles and believes in what he is teaching.”
~ British Petroleum Participant, Americas, Naperville, IL
“Michael was very knowledgeable, confident, organized and had great examples — his session was fantastic.”
~ British Petroleum Participant, Americas, Naperville, IL
“Mike kept the class engaged but allowed for a lot of questions. He was very good at listening people’s questions and had very good real-life examples.”
~ British Petroleum Participant, Americas, Naperville, IL
“His message was clear, competent, and insightful. He was a great speaker and allowed everything in our leadership session over 3-days to flow at a great pace with lots of practical, real world examples.”
~ British Petroleum Participant, Americas, Naperville, IL
“Michael did a great job of understanding and speaking to the diverse needs of our audience. He offered great content and insights to our responses and what we were asking. He spoke “our John Deere language.” He was well versed in his leadership and execution content and process.”
~ Paul Stern, Internal Coach, John Deere Seeding Division, Moline, IL
“AmeriHealth’s strategic initiatives have increased since our work session on Execution and I have been able to use the key principles and disciplines from your presentation every day. I am a very organized individual but am not sure how I would be managing the multiple projects without the execution principles you reinforced. Your half-day presentation was engaging and clear and you provided examples we could related to which made the session relevant and useful. The individual time you spent with us during the work sessions was also beneficial and allowed us to practice the principles in a learning environment prior to implementing them in our daily work schedules. Thank you again Michael for working with us and I hope to see you in the future!”
~ Lois Dailey, Vice President, AmeriHealth Mercy, Philadelphia, PA
“Michael, thank-you for your great keynote presentation and work session on the Speed of Trust to our global leadership team at Key Energy Services. We were all very impressed. We really believe in this powerful message, especially now when we are ready to launch our new strategy and manage a big cultural change. Your skills and experience are obvious a highlight and for me it was listening to your great presentation. It was a real pleasure to have you with our global leadership team. We look forward to sharing this training session with other executives in the company. Thank you again and I hope to see you soon.”
~ Guillermo A. Capacho, Senior Vice President of International Operations and Technology, Key Energy Services, Inc.
“Michael, I would like to thank you for your great presentation on strategy execution to our Sun Source National Sales Leadership group in Chicago, IL last week. It was informative as well as exciting to see real world case results with implementation of the four disciplines of execution properly through an organization. We certainly were able to have a good take away from your presentation that should improve our sales results.”
~ Garry Jansen, Vice President of Sales, Sun Source Corporation
“Michael, again, thanks for your great presentation. The message of strategy and the 4 Disciplines of Execution resonated well with our leaders and managers and it seems to have provided an impetus for them to go back and identify more clearly defined goals and leading indicators and measures! There is no question that over the years we have gravitated toward simply managing to the lag measures. Thanks again and I look forward to moving this execution process through Sun Source.”
~ Tom Kennedy, Vice President of Human Resources, Sun Source Corporation
You did an outstanding job facilitating and presenting last week. It was life-changing. Powerful. Thank you and also for your follow-up here with our police community.
~ Donald Cayer, Operations Division, Vancouver Police Department, Vancouver, B.C. Canada
“Michael is very passionate and experienced in facilitation of the Speed of Trust. He offers great examples and great tools to applying this within other companies.”
~ Susanne Jakobsen, Pandora, Copenhagen, Denmark
“Michael, you did a great job presenting and facilitating our recent Great Leaders session in Indianapolis…I picked out so many points that became more-clear in helping me become a better leader. I also loved watching your 4 Disciplines webinar.”
~ Cory Bouck, Learning and Development, Johnsonville Sausage Company, Sheboygan Falls, WI
“I enjoyed your Leadership and 4 Disciplines training in Indianapolis in July. As an organization, we focus way too much on strategic planning and not enough on goal execution. I have been applying what I learned from you and it has dramatically helped me and my teams with their execution focus and success.”
~ Larry Sernyk, Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, IN
“It was a pleasure to meet you Michael. You did an excellent job of presenting and we now know which organizational areas where we need more work. We look forward to our long-term partnership to help us improve our leadership and organizational development.”
~ Phyllis Hegstrom, VPHR, Home Instead, Omaha, NE
“Michael, your presentation was right on target for the right time in our company! This is just what our Directors from Europe and Asia-Pac needed. They will now be taking your message to their regions and having a similar leadership presentation for their respective teams. Thanks for all the support.”
~ Mark Kazmierski, Vice President, Cooper Vision, Las Vegas, NV
“Michael has high energy and great interpersonal skills. He uses real world examples from a broad range of industries. He was flexible to our needs and delivered excellent leadership content and support materials. He offered real world class training and facilitation. His message was very inspiring and he prepared me for a power-packed and rewarding journey.”
~ Cheryl Flynn – SVP of Human Resources, NCH Corporation
“This leadership session was not just about the concepts and tools that one can use – I am inspired to be a better leader. I have been to a lot of leadership classes; Michael just seems to be above many of the other presenters that I have seen.”
~ Jessica Kelly, Learning & Development, Busch Gardens, Florida
“This was an excellent leadership program. My expectations were far exceeded. I would recommend this program to anyone. I will be certified and implementing this same program back in our organization. Michael was a fantastic facilitator. His stories and examples were relevant and really a benefit to the content. It was an honor and privilege to meet him. Thanks for an excellent program.”
~ Kimberly Hendryx, Human Resources, Bush Gardens, Florida
“Presenter was an excellent facilitator that offered very good leadership material, was very inter-active, created a safe sharing environment, presented in a way that was very clear and applicable to use.”
~ Ginese Smith, Information Technology, Darden Restaurants
“Michael was very knowledgeable and an excellent facilitator and the materials were well organized. Michael was a great speaker and engaged everyone to get the most out of the program. He leveraged the participants’ knowledge and experience in the room.”
~ Chase Brackert, Darden Restaurant
“This session was excellent! It opened my mind to the leadership opportunities I have and how significant I can impact my own life and my team. Michael was an excellent facilitator. Thank you! Great Job! This was a wonderful leadership opportunity.”
~ Nicole Bain – Darden Restaurants
“The Leadership session was excellent. Michael was a phenomenal presenter. I came away from the work session excited to apply some of the leadership tools we learned. I feel anyone could benefit from this information – both business and personally.”
~ Ed Mayer, Mitsubishi Power Systems
“This was an excellent value for time and money invested. Michael offered an excellent presentation and leadership material.”
~ Terry Lloyd, Kissimmee Airport
“I really enjoyed the strategy execution section the best. It was very thorough and I had many “A-ha moments in the work session. Michael is very knowledgeable, confident, organized, and used great examples. He was fantastic!”
~ Shana Llalla Jian, Castrol Oil
“This leadership class definitely pointed out my strengths and weaknesses both personally and professionally. I have already told our team members to take this class. Michael was very thorough and did a great job clearly explaining concepts and driving towards applications. I know have clarity on what I need to do to be a better leader.”
~ Danielle Munell, BP America
“Mike was a great presenter and offered many real-life examples. He was good at listening to everyone’s questions and teaching practical skills that will help to successfully impact me and my team.”
~ Rita Pop, BP America
“Michael was an excellent presenter/instructor. He provided excellent material with personal experiences brought into context of the material that was very effective. He truly lives and believes what he is teaching.”
~ Ryan Shea, BP America
“Michael was excellent. He has a gift of being able to teach each individual and not just the group. He provided great examples and how they apply to the teachings. I know feel I have to perspectives, principles, and tools that I know will make me a great leader. I am excited to practice what I have learned.”
~ Shannon Gehrt, BP America
“This leadership course has moved me to action and moved me emotionally unlike all other previous courses attended. I need to focus on my work-life balance and reconnect to the most important people in my life. Michael thoroughly understood the material and delivered it in a way that connected with the group. I appreciate his proper pacing and attentions to timeliness.”
~ John McCann, BP Amoco Chem
“Michael was an excellent speaker. The leadership content was excellent and profound. Michael was easily understandable, clear, memorable, and included great real-life stories to make the material come alive. I like the personal examples from Michael as he showed detailed knowledge of the material.”
~ Adrian Sharpe, BP America
“I was skeptical coming into this leadership class. I was thinking only of my workload when I return to work. I was pleasantly surprised with the content applicability both personally and professionally. Mike was a great speaker and allowed learning and flow to happen at a great pace. Thank you very much!”
~ Adam Clausing, BP America, ILS
“Michael had the innate ability to truly connect with our audience at Marriott – which comprised of people with diverse backgrounds, divisional levels, education, and skill sets.”
~ Kevin Schwab, GM, Master Certified Coach, The Aruba Marriott Resorts, Caribbean
“Michael, thanks to you and Patrick Leddin for rolling-out the 4 Disciplines at Lilly and helping to coach each of our leaders and teams. In my division, we initially set a wildly important goal to save $4 million in cost savings in one year. The 4DX process actually helped us save $100 million in year one and we’re on track to save $260 million in year two. Thanks for your partnership and ongoing coaching.”
~ Frank Cunningham, Managed Health Care Division, Lilly, Indianapolis, IN
“Thanks for the work you and Sheri did in laying the ground work on execution with my leadership team. You really hit it out of the park with this program. Nice work — Michael!”
~ David Holyoak, CTO, Grant Thornton, Chicago, IL
“Thank-you Michael for facilitating and coaching us in the 4 Disciplines of Execution. Over the past year, we have had tremendous success due to company-wide clarity and engagement among our top 110 leaders and teams representing 32 hotels and restaurants across the United States. Your coaching helped us narrow Kimpton’s strategic goals from four down to one. This focus and the execution process helped us become the number one rated hotel in our hospitality industry within one year, as measured by Market Metrix Hospitality Index (MMHI) survey. Our success was largely due the cascading of our strategic priorities at the corporate level, to all the regions, and ultimately down to the properties, the General Managers, the department teams, and with alignment down to the frontline behaviors of all employees.”
~ Niki Leondakis, Former COO, Kimpton Hotels, San Francisco, CA
“Michael Simpson performed an excellent and engaging presentation on the topic of Leadership and Execution to an audience of 150 + ExxonMobil management and key personnel. He came across practical, relevant, and to the point. His keynote presentation made sense in the real world of day-to-day work activities. He kept the audience engaged for several hours. I would not hesitate at all to utilize Michael and his speaking talents again. The ExxonMobil audience in attendance all agreed by giving him very high marks in our overall event evaluation.”
~ George Sayre, Geoscience Advisor, ExxonMobil, Houston, TX.
“At Nash Finch, we have a deep belief in and commitment to the 4 Disciplines of Execution process as we are keenly aware of the improvements it has helped our company to accomplish. Therefore, it seemed logical to us to extend this unique and effective strategy execution offering to our key customers at our annual Century Club meeting last fall where most of our largest customers attended. The keynote speaker for this annual session was Michael Simpson, and while I had not previously worked with Michael I was extremely impressed with the effectiveness of his presentation and connection to the audience. Michael has a very natural way of making an audience feel as though they are being conversed with as opposed to spoken to, a gift that allows him to engage with his audience effectively. As a result of his effective communication skills, as well as the powerful message contained within the 4 Disciplines process itself, we now have some of our largest customers focused on and achieving their own Wildly Important Goals! Thanks to Michael and the entire FranklinCovey team for making this possible.”
~ Alec C. Covington, CEO, Nash Finch Company, St. Paul, MN
“It was a privilege listening to Michael’s ‘Talent Unleashed’ keynote address to approximately 400 people at our annual Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference. His personality is not only charismatic but also energetic and engaging! Michael’s talk was highly interactive as each attendee received a set of cards entitled the ‘3 Leadership Conversations’ which were expertly explained and ultimately retained by participants as a guide for future crucial conversations in the workplace and beyond. ‘Conversation #3: Clear the Path’ was powerful now, more than ever, as it’s critical for me to “continually seek to remove barriers and obstacles and discover new and better ways to accomplish shared goals” not only professionally but personally. Michael brought the presentation to life by quickly developing a rapport with his audience through participant involvement as everyone was encouraged to share ideas while he comfortably strolled about the room with microphone in hand, speaking with people as if they were dear friends. Michael was genuinely attentive to the input and kept the hour fresh and upbeat with his knowledgeable insights and advice. Mr. Simpson is obviously passionate about his work and a true professional on every level. I highly recommend him as a speaker as his style is not only educational but remarkably entertaining, leaving his audience wanting for more.”
~ Danene Dustin, Corporate Event Travel Planner, Morris Travel. Former Director of Employer Relations/Career Services, Utah State University, Logan, UT
Executive Leadership, Strategic Planning, Goal Execution, and Trust/Culture Work Session Testimonies
“Michael, thank you! You facilitated a great work session and connected very well with my executive team. I really enjoyed your visit. Our group is ready to start digging into the Speed of Trust. We will be ready to go deeper with our expanded leadership team on the next go around. Thanks for coming to New York. I’ll be in touch to get another date booked for our Newport Beach, CA offsite with Kirk Tanner and his team. All the best.”
~ Al Carey, Former CEO, PepsiCo North America, Purchase, NY
“Michael, I just wanted to stop and take the time to thank you for yesterday’s leadership session. It’s very clear that you’ve not only mastered the concepts of the course, but have the real-life experience to match. Very fruitful day indeed. It was great sharing our stories and I appreciate your insights on coaching.”
~ Gene Amore, Ernst & Young Advisory Group, Director of Knowledge, Marketing/Communications, Business Enablement, and IT Services, Secaucus, NJ
“I wanted to send you a quick note to let you that you did such an amazing job! We loved your Speed of Trust work session and received a ton of great feedback on the session as well as you as a facilitator. Thank you for everything that you did to make it a success for us. We really appreciate it. Look forward to future work session with our Xerox leadership team.”
~ Linnea Erickson, Learning & Development, Xerox Corp., Washington, DC
“Michael found a way to take a volatile atmosphere away and get us focused on having a framework and tools for building trust. He created a way for people to feel safe which enabled people to be open and honest.”
~ Lee Anthony Gray, Operations, Pandora, Bangkok, Thailand
“Michael, thanks for the fantastic job you did with our global executive group during the 3-Day intensive leadership sessions in Denmark.”
~ Anders Buch Sørensen, Former VP, IC Companys, Copenhagen, Denmark
“Spending time listening and engaging with Michael – was the best three days I’ve ever spent in a workshop.”
~ Bombardier Transportation Leader, Philadelphia, PA
“The Leadership course was very interesting, useful, and practical. Thank you very much Michael, you’re great!”
~ Motohiro, Ogita, Global Procurement. United Nations World Health Organization, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
“Michael, thank you for leading the 4 Disciplines of Execution roll-out process to every Hilton hotel GM, director, and department leader across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Thanks to your terrific partners Ray McGrath and Keith Giddens as well. Your team was excellent and was able to assist the properties to gain greater goal clarity, improved execution, and accountability. Thanks again for your incredible presentations, facilitation, and coaching as Hilton-UK seeks to improve its’ overall Guest Experience and GC&E Revenue Budget targets.”
~ Peter Beckwith, Hilton Hotels, United Kingdom and Ireland
“Michael, we appreciate your great energy and passion with your recent keynote presentation on the 4 Disciplines of Execution to all our Asia Pacific leaders at Laird’s Seoul Korean Leadership Meeting. Everyone loved it! Kathy, Stephanie, Garry, Melanie, and I look forward to exploring next steps with our 4DX implementation in Asia.”
~ Carmen Chua, Laird Corporation, Director of Asia-Pacific Region, Hong Kong, China
“Thank you for always going the extra-mile with excellent delivery and coaching our high-potential leaders in our Sabre Leadership Evolution classes. Your training session are consistently rated very high and our global leaders are having such a great development experience in your sessions.”
~ Kenneth Chovanetz, Sabre Corporation, Sr. Training Coordinator, Org. & Talent Development, Dallas, TX
“Michael, thanks again for such a phenomenal session this week in New York City! Your leadership work session really opened up a new path and way of thinking for me. I am working now to improve my areas of strategy, execution, talent, and trust. To me that really summed up the 3-days. I really look forward to building these competencies and skills and using the tools you taught.”
~ PJ Kaputa, VP of Strategy and Acquisitions, Genpact Corp., New York, NY
“Michael, in my past 19 years as a professional manager, this 3-day TE Leadership Way “boot camp” is the best and the most practical session that I have attended. The entire design and the roll-out of the sessions is very relevant with clear instructions, great leadership tools, and application. Two thumbs-up to all the leaders support and facilitators that have done a great job in getting the whole team all fired up and learning a great deal about how to be a better manager to grow the business for many years to come. Thank you!”
~ Jonathan Chang, Regional Sales Director, Greater China Region, CBU APAC, TE Conectivity, Shanghai, China
“This is the third business improvement opportunity that I have partnered on at John Deere with Michael Simpson and his team to achieve significant results. Michael is a proven facilitator and coach with high energy and experience that offers a highly valuable set of goal execution tools and methodology for delivering great results. 4DX offers an excellent toolset for any organization and team that is seeking to clarify, align, and focus on what is truly most important.”
~ Dave DeVault, GM, Waterloo Plant, John Deere, Waterloo, IA
“Harvester Works has had superb support from Michael Simpson, FranklinCovey Senior Consultant that has facilitated all our sessions, coached all of our leaders and internal coaches, and provided documentation and “real world examples” from his vast experiences to help us and encourage us along this journey and to help stay on track. The 4 Disciplines of Execution has definitely been a “game changer” for my role and career in Strategic Planning in John Deere at the Harvester Works Factory. Out of the all of the years in my career, this past year has been probably the pinnacle due to the huge amount of success the factory has experienced since we launched 4DX last year. It has been a personal goal of mine to have all employees know and feel connected to the big picture… the goals of the company and that over time changes the culture and makes the work environment that much more enjoyable and worth going the extra mile. I am grateful for the willingness of the Harvester Works Leadership Team to embrace the change and support the 4DX Strategy. 4DX was certainly a complement to my skillset as a project manager and I have been able to help managers, supervisors and individual contributors improve their businesses as well as their career opportunities by launching the process at Harvester Works. It has been amazing to see the growth, the language and the process being used to help drive significant business results. Our factory manager, Dave DeVault is the champion, sponsor, and our model for us to continuously strive to perform better and better with the 4 Disciplines process. We have obtained so much visibly from other factories as well as other companies seeking to benchmark and glean lessons learned from us in their deployment efforts, which has truly been gratifying to me and appreciated for all of the hard work that has gone into making the factory a success.”
~ Sheila D Humphrey, Director Business Strategies, John Deere Harvester Works, East Moline, IL
“Michael, your session far exceeded my expectations with my leadership team. We are excited to go and implement these execution ideas back at the plant.”
~ Thomas Schutte, Operation Manager, John Deere Des Moines Works Plant, Ankeny, IA
“The session helped us focus on the “vital few” goals and objectives focus success. Michael did a great job communicating and walking us through the process. When we got stuck, he helped us to find a solution that challenged us and helped move us forward.”
~ Jason Ammons, John Deere, Operations Manager, Des Moines Works, Ankeny, IA
“Michael offered my plant and my leaders with a simple, clear methodology to enable them to focus and success on its most important goals. He has a very engaging presentation style and his knowledge and experience are clearly evident.”
Jim Olson, Plant Manager, John Deere Seeding Plant. Moline, IL
The content, tools, methodology, and execution process were very good. Michael was an engaging leader, competent, and genuine.
Carol Petzenhouser, John Deere Des Moines Works, Ankeny, IA
“Michael helped me gain some valuable skills that I needed as a leader to lead others. He was very positive and provided great personal and professional examples. He knows his material, our industry, and customized it to John Deere terminology.”
~ Kristen Kessler, Internal Coach, John Deere Seeding Group Moline, IL
“Michael did a terrific job leading our leadership and coaching our teams in the 4 Disciplines process. As many people experienced today, the day job or the whirlwind has the ability to consume us. Knowing that our long-term success was connected to executing a few key strategies and goals as a newly formed organization we struggled with implementation, we decided to reach out for assistance. It was interesting with the roll out of the 4DX program progressed you could see the attitude change within the team to a “can do” approach. Michael Simpson walked us through the process to help us change to the right behaviors and has coached us monthly as teams to set us up for great success. The time that we were together was very beneficial.”
~ Robert J. Schebler | Manager, John Deere, Division Leader, Global Ag & Turf Pricing, Global Marketing & Sales Service, Olathe, KS
“The training session and certification process offered by Michael was very worthwhile. All of the content and videos were very well done. As a group we now have a great understanding of the execution program and I’m very confident this program will help our organization concentrate on our most important goals this year and execute more effectively with greater levels of accountability and transparency.”
~ Tony Townsend, Manager, John Deere & Company, Agriculture & Turf Pricing, Global Pricing Methodology, Olathe, KS
“Michael engaged our John Deere Crop Care group in our recent strategy execution process that offered us real focus and rigor. We are performing on many of our key measures, but he offered a process and coaching that will help to build a foundation to support future John Deere growth and our sustainable business model. Michael has brought his extensive experience to this process to better focus and engage each of our groups.”
~ Jena Holtberg-Benge, Director, Crop Care, John Deere Corporation, Moline, IL
“In an era of expanded bureaucracy and unfocused government resources, weakened national and state economies, and reduced local budgets, all state governments and leaders must learn how to better focus and execute on their most strategic objectives. In 2006, I witnessed Michael Simpson partner with our agencies chairman and the senior leadership team roll-out the 4 Disciplines process across the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) and each of our departments and teams. This process helped to establish our core strategies and transform GTA into a more customer focused, mission-driven organization that better served the information technology needs across the great State of Georgia. The 4 Disciplines of Execution process allows every government employee to understand their most important goals at all organizational levels helping them cut through excessive waste, bureaucracy and inefficiencies. Thanks to Michael for helping GTA achieve significant results in GTA’s operations, finance, project management, IT services, and customer support.”
~ Mike Curtis, Director of Strategic Planning, Georgia Technology Authority. Atlanta, GA
“The State of Georgia had unprecedented success as a result of implementing the principles outlined in the 4 Disciplines of Execution. We certified hundreds of leaders to take the disciplines to every department to improve results in customer service, quality improvement and cost reduction. These execution principles are a must for any government agency that is seeking to be world class.”
~ Jim Lynch, Former COO, State of Georgia, Atlanta, GA
“Michael Simpson just finished facilitating a phenomenal strategic planning session for our LA Unified School District’s General Counsel’s leaders. We had a lot riding on the outcome of this day. Michael took the time to pre-consult with us to discover exactly what our clients were expecting, and his preparation paid off big time! Some of the comments I’ve heard from the session were: “Excellent session today – it gave us clarity,” “Excellent presentation in tone and content,” “Michael was extremely impressive!” Thank you for clearing the path and making it a big success. Your consistent and dedicated responsiveness to our needs has created what we hope to become an incredibly long-lasting partnership.”
~ Karla Gould, Chief Human Resources, LA Unified School District (LAUSD), Los Angeles, CA
“Working with Michael has been one of my best working experiences of my career. Michael has a unique way of keeping everyone in the room motivated, happy, involved, and wanting to hear more and more of what he has to say. This is all due to his amazing personality and how great a presenter he is. I had the privilege to be part of three Break-Through Leadership (BLT) launches which was delivered by Michael and his colleagues to over 2,000 Marriott properties in the United States, Canada, and Latin America. I was also certified as an internal coach by Michael. Every time I heard his leadership and coaching sessions, I had something new to learn; his work on execution with each Marriott launch was of high impact to all of us involved. His knowledge and experienced was effectively passed on to all of us in the sessions and during each of our breaks all the conversations were focused on the great leadership principles he had been teaching us. Michael is a great coach and consultant! He is always willing to listen, answer questions directly, and give you his full attention and dedication to ensure that everyone is understanding the subject matter being taught, especially during his Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela presentation to bi-lingual audiences. One of the things that stuck with me from his presentation was the fact that every question being asked to him during the sessions, Michael would ask permission to share ‘your key issues or challenge’ with the rest of the team, so everyone could also benefit from each person’s specific question and challenge. He always made everybody feel special and important during the BLT launches. After a year from our first BLT launch together, many of my Marriott colleagues and I still discuss how much Michael has positively impacted our business and our lives.”
~ Claudia Sanchez, Surf Club Director of Rooms, Internal Coach Across Americas, Aruba Marriott Resort, Aruba, Caribbean
“I had the privilege of engaging Michael Simpson to train all our leadership and management teams and drive implementation with a year-long program at Marriott Corporation called Breakthrough Leadership. He and his colleagues Jim Huling and Richard Garrison rolled-out to Marriott Corporation’s one of our largest leadership initiative covering 2,000 Marriott owned properties. Aside from Michael’s presentation skills, which were of an exceedingly high caliber, Michael had the innate ability to truly connect with his audience – an audience comprised of people with diverse backgrounds, divisional levels, various educational levels, and skill sets. Michael was diligent in ascertaining the property goals for the program through careful consulting with local leadership, a crucial step many miss. His skillful approach, dedication to quality and perseverance in delivery allow me to recommend Michael without compunction. He is an ally in any business’s quest to propel operations to the next level. Based on our work with Michael, our hotel had a fantastic year last year!! WE not only beat our Wildly Important Goal (WIG) by over 1 Million Dollars in profit. Our WIG was $872,000 in additional profit and we finished the year at $1.9 Million!!! WOW!!! I have to tell you that after the first 8 months believe it or not, the profit target was on auto pilot! IT helped that we made the profit goal based on sales and not cost reduction. Of course, I think I shared with you as well but we moved from a 66 to 72 in our overall Associate engagement scores. 72 for Hewitt is best in class score!! All in all, 2011 was an amazing year! WE beat our Sales goals (best in the history of the hotel) Profit Goals (best in the history of the hotel). Guest Satisfaction Goal (best in the history of the hotel). Associate Satisfaction Goal (best in class). Thanks for all your great work Michael.”
~ Kevin Schwab, Vice President and General Manager. Master Certified Coach Across Americas. The Aruba Marriott Resorts. Aruba, Caribbean
“I think with the overwhelming success of the Breakthrough Leadership session that Michael conducted for Marriott Desert Springs leaders, we were very delighted with our spa results this year. For the first time in many, many years (6+) the spa exceeded budget (very difficult in our Marriott world!), we exceeded our Wildly Important Goal (WIG) for spa treatment increase (we exceeded Guest Satisfaction Scores – GSS from 88% – 92.4%) and exceeded our ES scores (Associate Satisfaction) goals as well. The owner reps were actually smiling at me this last visit and they are so happy, which “happy” has been a long time coming for each of them over the past many years…. Again, thank you for your coaching and I appreciate your great work.”
~ Dawn Ferraro, Spa Director, Marriott Hotel Desert Springs Resort. Palm Desert, CA
“The Executive Leadership Summit content, facilitation, and overall setting at the Lodges in Deer Valley have been world-class. Thanks to you and Mette for creating such a stimulating week. Your facilitation styles are different but both very engaging and complimentary. I appreciate your real-world, practical business experiences, stories, and application. Thanks for your one-on-one coaching as well. Also, a big thanks to Paula, Kimberly, and Lisa.
~ Marcus Diaz, GM, Casino Del Sol, Tucson, AZ
“My ELS experience has been inspirational, aspirational, and motivational. I am looking forward to applying these leadership principles and tools in my strategy role at work. There are several ‘sharpen the saw’ areas that I look forward to applying in my life and my family as well. Thanks for your one-on-one coaching and helping me work through some tough issues.”
~ Chris Rogerson, VP Strategy, Xango, Lehi, UT
“While serving as COO at Obeo Corporation, it was my privilege to work closely with Michael. He is a world-class leader, visionary, and facilitator. He consulted with our team and helped us clarify our vision, focus on our strategic priorities, and help us move those priorities forward. I was particularly impressed with his ability to help our team have ‘aha moments’ about becoming more efficient and productive individually. He is insightful, creative, and results-oriented and I consider it an absolute privilege to have worked with and learned from him.”
~ Brent Gray, Former COO, OBEO Corporation, Salt Lake City, UT
“Thank you for delivering a highly engaged Speed of Trust session. Everyone seems very inspired to make great things happen. Thanks for the time that you spent with me and look forward to future collaboration.”
~ Jim Korzzo, Spirit AeroSystems, Wichita, KS
“Thanks to Michael Simpson for kicking-off the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) to all our Americas leaders and teams in Chicago. Over the past year, our leadership can point to this Strategy Execution and 4 Disciplines process as the # 1 most successful initiatives that got all of our leaders and teams to get aligned with goals, and to get our teams focused and accountable in executing our strategy. The 4DX process has been the single biggest game changer for our business this year! The 4DX process has dispelled any doubts that this is a training fad. Leaders are now more-focused and clear on what is most important. Our people now have a greater sense of clarity, alignment, and accountability. Team and individual behaviors are changing and we are moving in the right direction.”
~ Andrew Schmidt, Director of Strategic Planning, Amway North America, Ada, MI
“Your knowledge and seeds planted with our Latin American leaders and teams have found fertile ground with our 2014 goal results. Thanks for your help as we have born tremendous fruit and are very well positioned for 2015.”
~ Rossana Sadir, Managing Director, Amway Corporation, Latin America
“Michael, what a fantastic session you conducted with me and my leadership team in Argentina. Our expectations for the day of facilitation and team coaching were surpassed and I have no doubt that we will be able to take our performance to the next level of success. Based on your session, I feel you were able to help us get clear on: 1. The 4 disciplines goal execution to all team members. 2. The ability to improve on scoreboards to better see if we are winning or losing as a team. 3. Better team empowerment, delegation, accountability, and decision making. 3. The right leading indicators and leading behaviors as a team.”
~ Martin Galeazzi, Country Manager, Amway Corporation, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile.
“I have been around a lot of consultants and trainers throughout my career; Michael is truly a master! During our European TE Leadership Way sessions in Leuven, Belgium this year, he taught our leadership session on building trust, strategy, flawless execution, and unleashing talent to a very diverse European audience. Michael was able to connect with the audience as if he were a TE employee by using his knowledge of our business that added instant credibility. He fully engaged our 85 + European leaders for the 3 full days. He also offered valuable executive coaching to many of our senior leaders. Each person felt encouraged to share ideas, challenge each other view points, and share their unique insights in a safe environment.”
~ Peter McCue, VP Human Resources, TE Connectivity, Transportation Solutions, Brussels, Belgium
“Michael, you are a great leader! I have never been to a workshop like the one you conducted. It was really great. Thanks for all your effort to make the workshop so interesting.”
~ Wong Poh Leng, Manager, Ipoh International School, Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
“I truly believe that this work session will make me a better leader and hence improve my performance within IC Company’s. I am a true believer in this workshop! The delivery of the content was very professional and knowledgeable. Thank you, Michael, for a terrific work session.”
~ Klaus Ryum Larsen, GM Canada, Copenhagen, Denmark
“The leadership session was very well-structured and logical. Very practical with good tools that can be used / implemented directly. Great learning session because it was practically related material. Michael was a high-level teacher and a great coach.”
~ Anders Sørensen, IC Company’s, Copenhagen, Denmark
“Good performance and leadership session by both Michael Simpson and Jens Rottbøll. They managed to convert the leadership content into an easy language that I could understand and relate to. They allowed more time for discussion and application which was helpful. Michael, Jens, and Morten were all very open and helpful. I have learned a lot.”
~ Frank Nørgaard, IC Company’s, Copenhagen, Denmark
“The Leadership Greatness session was very good. Michael Simpson is always right on. This is my second time attending his session here in Malaysia – he is dedicated, passionate, and committed to a high-quality seminar.”
~ Michael Yap Sin Hoo, Mill Logistic Manager, Kimberly-Clark Products, Sdn Bhd., Malaysia
“Michael did an excellent job with our leadership team in teaching and relating various key leadership concepts and strategies back to the real-world challenges that we all face each day, while providing a path forward on how to build a realistic plan to take immediate action on.”
~ Eric Johnson, V.P. of IT Applications, Informatica, Redwood City, CA
“We engaged Michael Simpson to deliver a Leadership Greatness work session: Great Leaders, Great Teams, and Great Results. Michael delivered this leadership program first to my leadership team and then to my entire organization. I received nothing but praise from everyone. Michael delivered a variety of leadership content at the right pace to meet our diverse and global leadership development needs. As a global team, we appreciated his global perspectives based on his global experiences that he possesses. Michael was able to inspire others and could provide and help to address any important cultural sensitivities among our leadership teams. We will definitely engage Michael again.”
~ Tony Young, V.P. of Information Technology, Informatica, Redwood City, CA
“Michael was a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. The class was well prepared, presented, and impactful. The material was applicable and presented in a very tactical and implementable format. The principles and concepts provided here within are invaluable both on a personal and professional level. It helped me to re-focus more on right things and develop plans towards achieving my goals. Also, I learned how to better communicate which is a very important aspect for any great leader! Thank you.”
~ Steve Blum, Former VP Sales, Auto Desk, Dallas, TX
“Great material and well organized. Michael did a great job presenting the materials and kept it interesting, light and fun by using personal examples which made it relevant. Excellent videos – he made key points with humor and inspiration. Michael does a great job with not getting frustrated by obnoxious participants and “off the wall” questions.”
~ Tom Fountain, Former VP of Information Technology, Honeywell, Morristown, NJ
“Michael partnered and coached Neal Pryor, our EVP of Frito Lay in the U.S. North East Region and his executive leadership team during 2010 to roll-out a strategy execution process called the 4 Disciplines of Execution. This session and his ongoing coaching dramatically and positively impacted all of our 7 North East Regions and 250 Districts. This large-scale change effort helped all leaders and teams better focus and utilize the principles offered in the 4 Disciplines of Execution. This process, helped our leadership team began to narrow its strategic focus and center our most important strategic goals and objectives on becoming the #1 Region in the country with Single Serve Flex growth (increasing year over year sales with small bags of chips – a high margin growth area for our business). I’m happy to report that following Michael’s work with us over several months in 2010, we in fact went from #6 position in the U.S. to became the #1 Region across all of Frito Lay to achieve and sustain our Single Serve Flex sales goal! As I look back on our executive and district teams learning and execution of this process, and what Michael was able to coach us on, I can only say that for many of our operators that participated in the process felt this experience was both insightful and rewarding. Insightful because Michael was able to dig deep into the details of execution – the key team and individual strategies and behaviors and help to focus on what key objectives drove our team’s results. Once Michael helped us frame our strategic goals and key behaviors, we were very clear and able to present and educate the rest of the 250 districts on the key principles of process and help to navigate our way through to a winning execution plan. These organizational change efforts are not easy to do, especially with a driven team such as ours. As we are well into 2012, I want to thank you Michael for the time and effort you dedicated to ensuring our team grew as leaders. Your expertise and dedication to our group and on-going coaching helped us deliver the message and process to our entire organization and helped us onto victory. To this day I find myself relying heavily on the principles and the process that you shared with me and my Frito Lay teammates. In my 26 years at Frito Lay, I can honestly say there has not been one other training experience that I have been exposed to that has had the sustainable impact on my behavior and as a leader. The 4 Disciplines process combined with your talent and coaching efforts has offered a whole new way for this Frito Lay team to deliver world class service and execution. Thanks again for everything Michael and all the best!”
~ Kert King, SVP of Sales, Frito Lay, U.S. North East Region, Boston, MA
“In today’s complex and competitive marketplace, we are faced with many internal and external conflicting priorities in an effort to drive financial numbers, and units and profit objectives for our retailers. Michael provided for a game changing “moment of pause” causing me to take the time to blueprint the customer’s organization and create a sales strategy and tactical plans to effectively align our key performance objectives with that of our customers. Specifically, we were to develop selling initiatives which delivered on our customer’s financial objectives which made us the #1 priority on our customer’s agenda. Clearly, this sales strategy successfully employed placed the supplier in a very strong position where the retailer is now viewing us as a trusted advisor and a provider of solutions to their key objectives and challenges. Thanks, Michael, for helping us achieve our most important goals and results.”
~ Chuck Waimon, VP of Sales, Frito Lay, Boston, MA
“Michael has partnered with TE Connectivity to help create and deliver a very practical global leadership development program which focuses on the competencies that our leaders and managers are measured on. One unique aspect of the program is that TE management plays a key role in delivering this program along with the senior consultants from FranklinCovey. This experience can be a bit daunting for those of us who are not experienced trainers, but Michael and our Franklin Covey team makes it easy. Michael Simpson was a great partner to me during our kick-off in Shanghai, China. He coached and supported me so that the participants could have a valuable leadership experience.”
~ Jane Kennedy, Former VP of Human Resources, TE Connectivity, Shanghai, China
“This leadership course was exactly what I needed to get out of the office and to focus on important leadership principles and content so I can apply aspects of becoming a better leader.”
~ Oliver Caublot, General Manager, Carrier International, Sdn Bhd. Malaysia
“Mike was excellent with his teaching, examples, and his ability to put his teachings into our business context. This was an excellent program and methodology that will drive us towards a successful future. I’ve learned exactly what I needed to do to execute our strategies and goals and defined exactly what I needed to bring back to my work team. This will impact me both professionally and personally.”
~ Rishe Ramasamy, Former Vice President, Hewlett Packard, Cyber-Jaya, Malaysia.
“A personal thank you to Michael! You challenged us during our 4 Disciplines of Execution work session to develop the right focused goals and align to various levels within all our HP group. He is a very experienced practitioner and a real-world guy who brings clarity and focus to situations that can be very messy and difficult to control under normal circumstances.”
~ Neil Bailey, Former Director, Hewlett Packard Cyber-Jaya, Malaysia
“The learning Mike facilitated in the 4 Disciplines is simply amazing. The knowledge and tools shared are practical to use in our daily work. He is a really experienced facilitator and able to give us real life examples. He used humor, was adaptable, and offered a structured approach to get us to outcomes and results at a nice pace.”
~ Raja Krishnan, Director, Hewlett Packard, Cyber-Jaya, Malaysia.
“In my past 19 years as a professional manager, this 3- day Leadership Way “boot camp” that you conducted is by far the best and the most practical session that I have attended. The entire design and the roll- out of the sessions were very relevant with clear tools and instructions for leading my business. Two thumbs-up to all the Covey facilitators (you, DeVerl Austin, and Matt Smith). You have each done a great job in getting the whole team all fired up and learning a great deal about how to be better managers to grow my business for many years to come. 20 x 15 vision is not far-fetched after all. Many thanks!”
~ Jonathan Chang, Regional Sales Director, Greater China Region APAC, TE Connectivity, Shanghai, China
“Michael is a real professional and knowledgeable consultant. His insights and guidance helped us take our Strategy Execution program to the next level. Our internal execution survey results have shown steady increase as well. Michael was also instrumental in the inaugural kick-off launch of the 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders: Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results work session which has become a corner stone of our officer leadership development program. The stories he brought enriched the content greatly. He was a hit! Our company not only survived the economic downturn but thrived due to our leaderships focus and effort. Our last three years have been record-breaking! Great leadership and execution are the keys to our success.”
~Dave Lucas, Vice President of Performance Improvement, U.S. Financial Services Company, Indianapolis, IN
“Michael worked with our president, senior team, and business banking groups at Huntington Bank in Columbus, OH. He also worked directly with all of our Midwest banking offices and investment bankers on the introduction and roll-out of the 4 Disciplines of Execution. His strong consulting and coaching skills in our pre-consultation meetings prior to and during our roll-out guided our leadership through a very successful process within our firm. He intently listened to the goals and challenges and provided insightful thoughts and feedback. He effectively facilitated the managers certification session, scoreboard reviews, coaching sessions, and two results report out sessions. The facilitation of these sessions led to increased manager buy-in and sharing of great success stories. The result focused primarily with improved execution in the lines of business and banking and in driving our most wildly important goals in sales – which helped to drive our increase in sales results.”
~ Cathie Wenk, Vice President of Training, Business Line Banking, Huntington National Bank. Columbus, OH
“I wanted to let you know that I very much enjoyed the leadership work session that you facilitated and how much I appreciated Farmers Insurance investing that time and money in me. I know I speak for Ian as well when I say that. I am hopeful that we will disseminate these leadership concepts and principles further throughout the Farmers organization — since the adoption rate of any new paradigm and approach improves with our support from the top down. Ian and I will, of course, diligently work to roll this out within our own organization and assist any other department or organization within our sphere of influence. As you know, holding this training more broadly would engender even wider adoption and facilitate the use of common terminology and principles across the corporation. Thanks again!”
~ Eric Hoffberg, Director of Commercial IT, Farmers Insurance, Los Angeles, CA
“Thank you, Michael! What a great leadership session this week! Already working to figure out best ways to bring this content inhouse…you were amazing!”
~ Clark Taylor, Sr. Manager, Professional Leadership Development, Tampa, FL
“Excellent session! Michael’s business experience and ability to challenge our diverse teams in the room, around our communication challenges and cross department needs helped to engage everyone. He is genuine, credible, knowledgeable, and very engaging. Everyone in my organization should go through Speed of Trust!”
~ John Knoble, VP Information Technology, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ
“We’ve had great feedback from everyone across the Retail Group with how useful and practical the leadership session was last week. Thanks for taking time upfront to really understand our business and link the leadership session material to our leaders and team’s needs. Looking forward to having you facilitate future sessions.”
~ Jeff Phillips, VP of Retail Trading Group, E-Trade, Alpharetta, GA
“Michael facilitated Unleashing Team Potential Through Coaching. This was one of the best courses I have completed in over 20 years. He was well-spoken, organized, personable, knowledgeable, and engaging. He was willing to go beyond the book and share many valuable coaching experiences that helped our technical leaders and managers. I am motivated to become a better coach and make the time to develop and practice my coaching skills.”
~ Thomas Hogan Jr., Learning & Development/Corporate University, NetApp, Raleigh- Durham, NC
Michael did a terrific job in leading our global leadership teams from NetApp America’s, Europe, and Asia in how to successfully manage and lead teams virtually using the 4 Essential Roles of Leaders. Great course, delivery, and group participation. I appreciated how well Michael engaged the group and leveraged his extensive experience to help all our global leaders be more effective in this unprecedented time of change, transformation, and in leading teams virtually.”
~ Keith Gilbert, VP of Learning & Development, NetApp, Raleigh- Durham, NC
“Michael, it was a pleasure partnering with you as you facilitated our TEOA Star Execution Training in January. Since we attended your session, we have achieved remarkable results in my department at TE’s Lickdale Manufacturing Plant. We now have better strategic clarity and focus across our entire plant with our two wildly important goals (WIGS) at Lickdale: 1. To improve Productivity to a level of 3% year over year; 2. To improve our TEOA Star 3 safety metrics for certification. I am happy to report, as a result of your training, we achieved Star Level 3 Certification this year.”
~Don Fuller, Manufacturing Plant Leader, TE Connectivity, Lickdale, PA
“In my 31-year career at TE, your TEOA Star Execution training is one of the most significant and effective courses that I have ever taken. Since we selected, developed, and executed our goals and lead measures using the 4 Disciplines, my Injection Molding Department and value stream at Lickdale, has gone from a low of -17% productivity earlier this FY, and has achieved incremental, sustainable improvements every month since our execution training. During the month of October, the Injection Molding Department reached a high of 8.7% productivity which has greatly surpassed the goal of 3%. In addition, our safety record in our department has been outstanding with absolutely no recordable safety incidents during this FY. This is especially significant when you consider the inherent nature of processing molten, pressurized polymers in a 24 hour a day, 7 day per week operation. There is no doubt in my mind that your instruction combined with TE’s values and expectations have contributed to a much safer and profitable company. Thank you again Michael!”
~ Ron Beaver, Injection Molding Department Leader, TE Connectivity, Lickdale, PA
“First and highly important, I was impressed with Michael Simpson as our trainer and consultant! Yes, it was a successful and highly useful training. He was able to feel and understand ‘in no time’ our fairly difficult and complex situation across our manufacturing sites, and adapt our work session for optimal result. Second thing is that, we had already been working with goals and key measures (WIGs, Lags, and Leading Measures) and other Scoreboard elements for some time; however, Michael’s training session gave us a lot more of the “execution fundamentals” to help our leadership team effectively execution and to better roll-out throughout our Oostkamp plant. He helped me understand how some of the execution work that we have been practicing for some time now misses some critical elements, e.g., like project structure and organizational team set-up, the real focus and coaching aspects of accountability, in our ability to effectively narrowing the focus on goals, the importance of simplicity and clarity (call it S.M.A.R.T.) goals and simplifying our Scoreboards with both Lead and Lag metrics, and lastly, implementing our execution plans and path in small incremental steps …. I firmly believe these core execution aspects are surely the major take-aways for the Oostkamp team and for me personally to move to higher levels of results. We feel confident that we will ‘situationally’ improve our working mode, and that this will enable us to reach our (as well as Tom Lynch’s) WIG’s. It was great to have you visit our plant in Brugge, please keep in touch!”
~ Eric Verhelst, Plant Manager, TE Connectivity, Oostkamp, Belgium
“Great program and practice Michael. I now have a clear process for me and my team to close the execution gap with narrowly focused goals, setting a line of sight upward to drive bigger strategies, using an X to Y formula to draft good goals, and crafting the right leading behaviors and measures that drive the goals each week.”
~ Jessica Ju, Materials Manager, TE Connectivity, Suzhou Plant, China.
“Thanks for helping me understand such a useful tool and method for executing what is most important in work and in my work and in my life.”
~ Grace Zhou, Systems Quality Manager, TE Automotive, Shanghai, China
“I enjoyed this workshop. Thanks for helping in my development of SMART goals and now know the leading indicators to achieve those goals. It helped to understand the difference of lead and lag measures. Your session offered great practice to share ideas from different work groups across China, Korea, and Japan. Thanks for your experience in helping us.”
~ Jeffrey Xu, Quality Manager, TE Connectivity, Suzhou Plant, China
“Michael, thanks for sharing your great skill and knowledge to help us execute our goals better. I have a very clear plan with specific lead measures for my most important tasks with my team. We will benefit from this and it will help us to achieve our targets and goals.”
~ Yang, AP Procurement Manager, TE Automotive, Shanghai, China
“This is a great training session and just in time. I really learned a lot to help set the right goals in a focused way, how to implement the right daily work, the importance of keeping score, how to hold others accountable with a weekly cadence approach.”
~ Kim Young Jin, EHS Manager, TE Connectivity, Kyung San Plant, Korea
“Execution is always difficult due to changing the mindset, culture, and old behaviors. You have given us a very clear process and message about how to improve success, to improve clarity, accountability, and achievement of our goals.”
~ Sanj Jung Kim, Plant Site Leader, TE Connectivity, Kyung San Plant, Korea
“Thanks Michael!! This training course was really great and helpful for us to achieve Star 4/5 and engage all our team members. I will innovate and plan on how to do better in the future by using these tools and processes in our organization.”
~ Lee Young Chul, Quality Manager, TE Connectivity, Kyung San Plant, Korea
“Well done Michael!! This 4DX-TEOA process was very helpful for deploying our goals and leading measures for the Kyung San Plant. We’re excited to engage the entire plant in this execution and accountability process.”
~ Jae Sum Hong, TE Materials Director, Kyung San Plant, Korea
“Thank you so much Michael! This was a great process to implement to help us achieve our TEOA Star execution goals.”
~ Sanj Ku Nam, TE Finance Controller, Kyung San Plant, Korea
“I had many great benefits from our session with Michael. We were able to confirm the key principles of execution; to pick the vital few goals; measuring the right weekly actions that teams can focus on; create simple scoreboards to track the team’s success each week.”
~ Takafumo Kira, Plant Manager, TE Connectivity, Shizuoka Plant, Japan
“Thank-you Michael!! You were able to help us establish a very clear goal and lag and lead measures. We are very clear as a team how to lead and execute all members towards the goal. Thanks for your knowledge and skills in this session.”
~ Hiroyuki Iimura, TEOA Site Leader, Shizuoka Plant, TE Connectivity, Japan
“I liked how we broke down our areas of focus for us and our teams. Michael, we have to keep challenging ourselves and combine our learning’s from this session great TEOA session with Toyota and our key customers.”
~ Naoki Mochizuki, Rainbow Project Team Leader, TE Connectivity, Japan
“It has been a very good opportunity for me to attend this session. Thanks Michael! It is great to see how TEOA and execution work together. Thanks for allowing me to attend such a great leadership course. It’s simple, clear, and helps us focus on the right goals and work.”
~ Katsumi Komuro, Asia Engineering Systems Manager, TEIS, Japan
“I was able to change behavior from passive to passionate. This is a very powerful tool to drive execution. It is simple, yet effective.”
~ Jason Zhao, Shanghai EPZ Plant Manager, TE Telecom Networks AP China.
“Thanks Michael! This is a great training session and just at the right time. I really learned a lot on common breakdowns to execution, narrowing the focus on the right goals, to keep score each week, and hold each other accountable. I believe we can reach Star 4 based on fully understanding and implementing the tools learned in this session.”
~ Steven Yang, EHS Manager, Shanghai, China
“I am really impressed with this training that offered by Michael. He provides a very clear process and tools for our success. I will leave from these 3-days excited to organize this process in similar sessions with QAP, AP, and Procurement Teams.”
~ Yang Yang, TEOA Manager, Auto AP Procurement, Shanghai, China
“This is a really great course that makes me know who to simplify things that are most important and teaches me how to put things into action with my teams. Thanks to Michael for such a fun, engaging, and knowledgeable session.”
~ Garin Lu, Operations Manager Suzhou Plant, China
“Great program and time to practice. What a great opportunity to practice and learn how to best achieve our most important goals and get all the sharing from various groups from China, Korea, and Japan.”
~ Jeffrey Xu, Quality Manager China
“Michael shared great stories and experience. The leadership content, subjects and videos were outstanding. Loved it!”
~ Rachael Wong Nable, Regional Manager, Operation & Market Innovation, USCI Blue Ocean Strategy Regional Centre, Malaysia.
“This was a great session with lots of practical tools and applications. I look forward to implementing my action plans with my team when I get back to the office. Thank you!”
~ Cheong Kok Yan, OI Team lead, ExxonMobil Business Support Center Sdn Bhd., Malaysia
“Michael was an excellent instructor and the course was great. It helped me a lot in becoming a great leader. This leadership course has really inspired me to apply the tools and materials in my life and at work.”
~ Naidzif Jay Zainal, Senior IT Manager, Danajamin Nasional Berhard, Malaysia
“The knowledge of the leadership topics and the examples given were excellent. Thanks for a great session Michael.”
~ Kui Hui Pheng, ExxonMobil Malaysia
“This leadership course was very helpful for me both personally and professionally. Michael kept the course very interesting and lively. He has great stories and examples. I really enjoyed the course and think it will be helpful for me in the future.”
~ James Hulsmann, Finance Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Singapore and Bangkok, Thailand
“Mr. Simpson is a great instructor with lots of hands-on, real-life experience. This was the best leadership class I have ever attended.”
~ Kitinan Toomngern, SVP of IT Compliance and Security, Bank of Ayudhya, Bangkok Thailand
“I really enjoyed Michael’s 3-day leadership class. His course content and tools are really useful and applicable.”
~ Saranya Chensukitphanit, Training Manager, Friesland Campina Co., Bangkok, Thailand
“Michael, you really struck a cord and connected with our top Indian leadership team this week. Your teaching style was warm, your voice clear, your heart was very big, and you gave us many great tools to be very successful.”
~ Sunil Rawat, Head of Operations. TE Connectivity, Bangalore, India
“It was a great pleasure for me to know such big-hearted person such as Michael. I enjoyed the 3-day leadership program he conducted for our leadership team at the Ritz Carlton in Kuala Lumpur. I enjoyed his inspiring stories that he shared, his useful leadership tools, and also what he shared about some personal realisations about oneself. As I was reflecting on the leadership program last night, I wondered if I am prepared to share these with my team. Whether am I ready to face their feedback and comments I don’t know? What if something negative is brought up? I suppose I will never know until I began the first step, by listening and using the leadership tools that Michael gave us to use with our teams.”
~ Amelia The, Brand Manager, DNP Clothing and Fashion, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
“Michael, thank you once again for your guidance and sharing your expertise over the last 3 days. I was very struck by your extensive knowledge and your sincerity to help each and every participant connect and apply these leadership concepts and tools. It is very practical and useful. I was also touched by the strong relationship you had with your family and your personal stories. Despite the timing and geographical demands of your job. It has re-ignited me to push forward on my personal development and contribution to both my family and my work colleagues. While I am back at the whirlwind this morning, my daily interactions have now been tweaked to align with my goal of promoting and contributing sales growth and progress within my circle of influence and beyond.”
~ Adeline Chong, Brand Manager, DNP Clothing and Fashion, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Business and Client Partner Testimonies
“Michael, thanks so much to you for your tremendous vision and execution on this Executive Coaching Certification program. This could be a real answer to making us sticky within clients and keeping them on track with their greatness initiatives! Thanks for all you do…you’re great!”
~ Bob Whitman, CEO / President, FranklinCovey, Salt Lake City, UT
“Michael, thank you for your continual great contribution to our company’s success! You always play such a big role in helping us hitting our numbers and ensuring that we develop high customer loyalty with all of clients. Thanks for all you do my friend!
~ Shawn D. Moon, EVP Global Sales & Delivery, FranklinCovey, Salt Lake City, UT
“The Executive Coaching Certification Program that you and Dr. Terry Maltbia conducted in Salt Lake City was the best program that I have ever attended at FranklinCovey!”
~ Jennifer Colosimo, Former COO, FranklinCovey, Denver, CO
“Thank-you Michael Simpson, Mette Norgaard, Stephen R. Covey, Ram Charan, and faculty for putting on a great Executive Leadership Summit (ELS) program. A 96 Net Promoter Score (NPS) from our ELS clients is incredible! The U.S. Sales team looks forward to filling the upcoming May and September ELS programs.”
~ David M.R. Covey, Former SVP U.S. Domestic Sales, FranklinCovey
“Thanks Michael! The Frito Lay 4DX results are awesome. Great work. You are awesome! You are always so positive and engaging. I really appreciate your passion and positive energy. You are a one-of-a-kind person – I really mean that.”
~ Chris McChesney, Execution Global Practice Leader, FranklinCovey, Atlanta, GA
“Team, I’m consistently seeing Michael pull these amazing NPS scores on 4D sessions from large groups. I’ve had the opportunity to watch him on a couple of occasions and yet I’m still walking away flabbergasted at what he’s doing to garner these high scores and achieve great client results. Would it be possible to video tape him on his next client session so that we can review the tape to determine the lead behaviors that he’s exhibiting? I’m convinced it’s something in the delivery and I believe if we tape him, we can discover the unique actions and share these behaviors with the rest of the 4D delivery team.”
~ Mark R. Josie, GM Execution Practice and Former GM, South East Region, FranklinCovey, Atlanta, GA
“Michael, thanks for everything you are doing to make TE Connectivity our largest and most strategic partnership account! Thanks for all the great work you have and continue to do in support of the NE Region… We love you!!!!”
~ Elise Roma, Former General Manager, Northeast Region, FranklinCovey, Philadelphia, PA
“Michael, as always, we only hear amazing stories about the work you are doing out there with our clients. You DO ENABLE GREATNESS with our clients – wherever you show up. We appreciate you very much.”
~ Marianne Phillips, Former General Manager, Western Region, FranklinCovey, Irvine, CA.
“When recently asked what we need to do to be successful as a business, I said, we need to duplicate Michael and what he does to drive business at the executive suite. He is the best in our company in working with the C-Suite. Thanks for all you’re doing to deliver client value and revenue.”
~ Derek Thorpe, Area Client Partner, FranklinCovey, Lansing, MI
“Thanks Michael! You are amazing! Your quick transition and follow-up with no sleep and a travel schedule that would make anyone dizzy. It was a true pleasure working with you. As I said before, you are so knowledgeable and personable, and so passionate about the leadership subject at the same time. I was really grateful that I was able to experience the program and seeing a master at work put the experience over the top. Many thanks!
~ Kathy Simpson, Client Partner, FranklinCovey, Los Angeles, CA
“Thanks to Michael Simpson, DeVerl Austin, Matt Smith, and Sue D Douglas for their design and global delivery with TE Connectivity. There is no way we could have achieved this multi-million-dollar account and taught over 3,000 leaders globally with such great client results without them.”
~ Brian Krisak, Former Managing Client Partner, FranklinCovey, Northeast Region
“I must say that I truly am thankful to work with you. I have learned a lot in the short time I have spent with you. Coaching is an art and it takes a special person to do that…how can we clone you. Thank you for your great facilitation at PPG over the years working with their leadership teams in Pittsburg.”
~ Shelby Kramer, Former Client Partner, FranklinCovey, Pittsburg, PA
What a great 3 days of leadership development. Thank you, Michael! It’s funny how even though I have been through a lot of this leadership content, I still walked away from our session with amazing new insights and ideas to help improve upon my business. Part of what made this program so great is Michael’s experience and personalization. His real-world examples really bring credibility to the principles, learnings, and models in the program.
~ Steven Kiisel, U.S. Government Sales Leader, FranklinCovey, Salt Lake City, UT
“Michael, I honestly believe that very few people could have done what you did in the 4DX session last week. We were betting 100% on your skills and everything points to the fact that you made it a huge success. Thanks for pulling this one off.”
~ Doug Puzey, Execution Client Partner, FranklinCovey, Atlanta, GA
“A quick note to tell you how grateful I am to you and how wonderful I think you are…it is a huge deposit for our international team, for our Malaysia Licensee, and, most importantly, for our friend Blaine that you to rearranged your schedule to cover for him. They may never give you back and we will have to wrestle for you…but that’s the price of greatness. Seriously — we all can’t thank you enough for making all of these last-minute adjustments in the midst of leading a new practice and being your usual over-busy self. Michael…you seriously ROCK!”
~ Sue Dathe-Douglass, Former Director Global Sales and Delivery Effectiveness, FranklinCovey, Phoenix, AZ
“Michael, THANK YOU for spending the day with us and working with the team on getting us strategically aligned with goals and focus this year…. I know everyone enjoyed the day and came out with a very much clearer picture of what we needed to do and what roles each of us had…. On top of that we also had great feedback from Sean Covey… Once we explained and clarified our thinking he bought into where we were going big time… Bob Whitman liked our clear focus and goals as well…I have sent you our WIGs and we’re ready to execute in the next year and to accomplish great things.”
~ Peter Kasic, VP International, FranklinCovey, London, UK
“Thank you for your direct involvement in my life…you are fulfilling your duty here on earth by serving your fellow man… Thank you for that great example! In addition, you are helping others to find their voice and contribution, as you find yours. Thanks for your diligence and discipline! You have been invaluable to our international partners and helping to serve global clients and helping to significantly grow their business.”
~ Dr. Justin Calapp, Former Managing Director, Global Business Development, FranklinCovey, Salt Lake City, UT
“I just want to thank you for the efforts and work that you have put in for us at LRM-Malaysia. Our entire office loves working with you. Thank-you Michael for stepping into the journey with us in Malaysia. We look forward to great times together. We owe you a lot!”
V.S. Pandian, Managing Director/Executive Coach, Leadership Resources (Malaysia), Sdn Bhd, Solaris Dutamas, Malaysia
“Michael, you are simply the best!!! You have been a ‘game changer’ for us each summer working with Leadership Resources Malaysia (LRM). Thank you for being a great friend through the years!” ~ C.F. Wong, Principal Consultant/Executive Coach, FranklinCovey Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
“Mike, I was impressed with your client facilitation. I find you very business savvy and charismatic when delivering your facilitation session. Thank you so much for sharing with me your 4DX resources as well as your thoughts on the prospect of this solution as a strategic consulting and coaching process. I find the information to be very comprehensive and enlightening. This consulting process will offer real value to all our clients. Take care and god bless.”
~ G. Shanmugam, Former Operations Manager, FranklinCovey, Leadership Resources, Malaysia & Brunei
“Thanks for the help on the United Overseas Bank (UOB) client work. It really gave us a better understanding of the power of the Speed of Trust practice to help in transforming a culture of 20,000 + people through SE Asia. Michael, your presence made the whole difference during the client presentation. They certainly are looking forward to working with you again. Thank you once again for making the pitch a success. We look forward to more “mega” deals like this!”
~ Robert Lim, Senior Consultant, FranklinCovey, Singapore Office
Contact Me
Get in touch with Michael using the following information:
Michael K. Simpson
CEO/Managing Director
Simpson Executive Coaching
PO Box 971747
Orem, UT 84097
Tel #: (435) 602-9031
Email: msimpson@ebacs.net